1) Preform the pre-requirements before cloning: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/Proto-DUNE%3A+How+to+setup+a+temporary+tunnel+for+github

2) Clone the github repository (example below shows the CERN test stand):

$ ssh np04-srv-009  -Y
$ cd /nfs/sw/rce
$ source setup.sh
$ git clone --recursive git@github.com:slaclab/proto-dune
# for development version
$ source setup.sh dev
$ git clone --recursive git@github.com:slaclab/proto-dune proto-dune-dev

3) Source the setup script

    • Xilinx Vivado software environment is required for the aes-stream-drivers's Makefile
# If building on CERN Network
$ source proto-dune/firmware/setup_env_cern.sh

# If building on SLAC Network
$ source proto-dune/firmware/setup_env_slac.sh

# If building on BU Network
$ source proto-dune/firmware/setup_env_bu.sh

4) Build the RCE DMA drivers:

    • Only required to be performed once after git clone checkout (or if DMA driver is changed)
# Go to the driver directory
$ cd ${RCE_GIT}/software/aes-stream-drivers/
# Build the driver with the "rce_install" flag
$ make rce_install

5) Build the Linux host software:

    • Only required to be performed once after git clone checkout (or if Linux host software is changed)
$ cd ${RCE_GIT}/software/protoDUNE
$ source setup_env.sh
$ make

6) Build the RCE server software:

    • Only required to be performed once after git clone checkout (or if Linux host software is changed)
$ rce_talk CERN-DTM1 build_rce_software


JJ Russell



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