A Jira project has been setup for the TID-ID-ECS department called TIDIDECS. This project contains all the issues ("Tasks") related to the department.

A Kanban board is available with all issues: https://jira.slac.stanford.edu/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=149&projectKey=TIDIDECS

Other Kanban boards are also available that have issues filtered by label or other properties.

Table of contents

Switch between Kanban boards

The last used Kanban board will open when the "Kanban board" button is pressed in the menu on the left. To switch to another Kanban board click on the menu item above it (shown as "TIDIDECS - All issues in the screenshot below). This will show a menu with all the available Kanban boards in the project. Select one and that will become your new default.

Creating a new issue with a label

To create a new issue in the TIDIDECS project space make sure you are in the correct project space by looking at the top left corner for the icon and the name "TID ID Edge Computin...". If the left menu is not expanded you will only see icons as shown on the left below. Click here to go directly to the summary page of the TIDIDECS project.

Left menu contractedLeft menu expanded

To create a new issue, press the "Create" button at the top.

This will open a context window (see screenshot below) where information about the issue can be filled in. The most important information is:

  • Issue type (leave as Task)
  • Summary
  • Description
  • Priority
  • Labels
    • This is where you can assign existing labels (e.g. "GT Readout Platform", "ePixUHR") or create new ones.
    • It is highly recommend to have labels for issues since it is easier to find and organize them.
    • Issues without a label will be visible in the generic "TIDIDECS - All issues" Kanban board, but can easily get lost if there are many issues in total.
  • Assignee
    • Set to a person if you already know who will do the task or set to "Unassigned" to do it later

When you're done, click Create and the issue will have been created.

Creating a new Kanban board for a specific label

If you have created a new label for an issue you can create a new dedicated Kanban board for it.

  • Click the top icon in the menu on the left to open the context menu.
  • Click the "Create board" item at the bottom.
  • A dialog appears where you can choose between a Scrum board or a Kanban board, select "Create a Kanban board".
  • At the next page press next to select the default "Board from an existing project".
  • Name the board on the next page and click the "Create board" button.
    • Make sure that the "TID ID Edge Computing Systems" project is shown, see screenshots below)
Create boardCreate a Kanban board

Board from an existing project

Name the board

  • After the board has been created it will be set as your new default and the page will reload with the board shown
    • As default, the only filter for the board is issues that belong to the TIDIDECS project
  • To configure the board to filter on a specific label, click the "Board" button at the top right and click the "Configure" item in the context menu
  • A new page will load with all the configuration for the board.
  • The first thing to do is to add the tididecs-jira-editors to the Administrators of the board under the "General" configuration.
    • This allows anyone in the TIDIDECS group to edit the board and not just you who created it
  • Under the "General" configuration, click the "Edit Filter Query" link.
  • A new page will load which shows all the issues that match the current filter query (by default this is all issues in the TIDIDECS project).
  • To add a filter for label, press the "More" button next to the blue "Search" button.
    • In the context menu, start typing "label" and enable it when you see it.
    • NOTE: The label has to exist in order for it to be visible here, see Creating a new issue with a label above.
  • A new context menu will popup to the left with a list of all the available labels in Jira.
    • Start typing the label you are looking for and enable it.
  • You can add more advanced filters if you like based on other properties, but it's recommended to keep things simple.
Configure boardConfigure boardFilter on LabelFind the label to filter on

  • When you are done, don't forget to save the configuration of the board by pressing "Save" at the top.
  • To go back to the Kanban view, click "Projects" at the top and then click on the "TID ID Edge Computing Systems".
    • This should take you back to the view of your new Kanban board.
Save Kanban board configurationGo back to the TIDIDECS project

  • No labels