
This module draws inspiration from the AxiStream Batcher Protocol Version 1, which uses the AxiStreamBatcherEventBuilder.vhd. Unlike the original design, which creates a single super-frame per event, this module transmits event frames in a guaranteed sequence. As a result, each event consists of multiple frames, but the order of these frames within an event is always preserved.

In the AxiStreamBatcherEventBuilder.vhd, a super-header and multiple sub-frame tails are prepended or appended to the stream. In contrast, this module eliminates tail appending and instead prepends a header to each frame as it is forwarded through the sequencer. This header includes all the metadata necessary to reconstruct AXI stream sideband information on the receiver side, such as TDEST, TUSER_FIRST, and other relevant signals.

Requirements on the AXI Stream Configuration

  • AXIS_CONFIG_G.TDATA_BYTES_C must be a power of 2
  • AXIS_CONFIG_G.TDATA_BYTES_C must be greater than or equal to 8 bytes (64-bit)
    • This is because the header is 64-bits

EventFrameSequencerMux Details

Firmware Generics


Default: 2

Number of Inbound AXIS streams


Default: "INDEXED"

In INDEXED mode, the output TDEST is set based on the selected slave index

In ROUTED mode, TDEST is set according to the TDEST_ROUTES_G table


Default: Slv8Array := (0 => "--------")

In ROUTED mode, an array mapping how TDEST should be assigned for each slave port

Each TDEST bit can be set to '0', '1' or '-' for passthrough from slave TDEST.


Default: 0

In MODE_G="INDEXED" mode, assign slave index to TDEST at this bit offset


Default: x"FF"

Set the TDEST to detect for transition frame

AXIS_CONFIG_GDefines the AXI stream configuration and used to determine the AXI stream width from AXI_CONFIG_G.TDATA_BYTES_C

Default: 0

Set to 1 to register the flow control on the intput streams to help with making timing


Default: 0

Set to 1 to register the flow control on the output stream to help with making timing

EventFrameSequencerDemux Details

Firmware Generics


Default: 2

Number of outbound AXIS streams

AXIS_CONFIG_GDefines the AXI stream configuration and used to determine the AXI stream width from AXI_CONFIG_G.TDATA_BYTES_C

Default: 0

Set to 1 to register the flow control on the intput streams to help with making timing


Default: 0

Set to 1 to register the flow control on the output stream to help with making timing

EventFrameSequencer Header Details

Header Description

3:0VERSIONVersion info. Should always be 0x1
  • 0x3: 64-bit AXI stream
  • 0x4: 128-bit AXI stream
  • 0x5: 256-bit AXI stream
  • etc
15:8SEQPacket sequence number of event
23:16TUSER_FIRSTFirst byte of the TUSER field
31:24TDESTTransaction destination field
39:32NUM_STREAMSNumber of streams
47:40indexMUX Index
55:48frameCntEvent frame count (zero inclusive)
63:56numFramesEvent frame Size (zero inclusive)
  • No labels