The AxiStreamPacketizer takes incoming AxiStreams and breaks them into smaller sub-frames (packets). The AxiStreamDepacketizer does the reverse, reassembling a packetized stream into the original frames.
The packetization protocol also takes AXI-Stream sideband data (TDEST, TID, TUSER) and inserts it in the data stream as part of the packetization format.
Together these features are very useful for sending an AXI-Stream over an external transport such as UDP.
Version 2 of the packetizer has been designed to allow interleaving of packet chunks.
Version 2 requires a 64-bit axi-stream, not more or less. If your AXI stream has a different configuration, it will need to be adapted to 8 bytes before it is fed into the AxiStreamDepacketizer.
The Packetizer breaks stream frames in to smaller chunks called packets. Each packet contains an 8 byte header as follows:
Word | Bits | Name | Description |
0 | 3:0 | VERSION | Version info. Should always be 0x2. |
0 | 7:4 | CRC_TYPE | 0: No CRC |
0 | 15:8 | TUSER_FIRST | The TUSER of the AXI-Stream frame |
0 | 23:16 | TDEST | TDEST of AXI-Stream frame |
0 | 31:24 | TID | TID of AXI-Stream frame |
1 | 15:0 | SEQ | Packet sequence number of frame |
1 | 30:16 | UNUSED | |
1 | 31 | SOF | Flag indicates first packet of a frame |
Each packet also has a 8 byte tail appended:
Word | Bits | Name | Description |
0 | 7:0 | TUSER_LAST | TUSER of last transaction of the AXI-Stream frame. |
0 | 8 | EOF | Indicates that this is the last packet of a frame. |
0 | 15:9 | UNUSED | |
0 | 19:16 | LAST_BYTE_CNT | Number of valid bytes (0-8) in last transaction of frame |
0 | 31:20 | UNUSED | |
1 | 31:0 | CRC | Running CRC of the frame data |
) is used; the CRC is initialized with 0xffffffff
(and bits are processed in lsb->msb order).Header | Data | Tail (32 lsb) |
0x8000000000000222 | 0xAFFECAFEFEEDBEEF | 0x00080102 |
yields a CRC of 0x9c9c571e
and is transmitted as
Ben Reese