This is a variant of the Silicon Detector modelled as of Oct. 19, 2005, to be used for detector studies. Please see sidaug05 for details of the baseline geometry.
The compact description of this detector in xml format can be found at .
What follows is a plain text description of the differences between the compact descriptions of sidaug05_tcmt and its baseline model, sidaug05. The basic differences are that both the HCal and muon system (TCMT) are based on scintillator, non-projective (fixed-size) cells, and the longitudinal segmentation of the muon system has changed to act as a tail catcher, not just as a muon tracker.
Readout segmentation
The following table compares the transverse segmentation details between this geometry with respect to the baseline:
component |
sidaug05 |
sidaug05_tcmt |
EMBarrel |
Projective, dtheta=pi/1000, dphi=2*pi/2000 |
Non-projective, 0.4cm x 0.4cm |
EMEndcap |
Projective, dtheta=pi/1024, dphi=2*pi/1024 |
Non-projective, 0.4cm x 0.4cm |
HADBarrel |
Projective, dtheta=pi/600, dphi=2*pi/1200 |
Non-projective, 1cm x 1cm |
HADEndcap |
Projective, dtheta=pi/600, dphi=2*pi/1200 |
Non-projective, 1cm x 1cm |
MuonBarrel |
Projective, dtheta=pi/150, dphi=2*pi/300 |
Non-projective, 3cm x 3cm |
MuonEndcap |
Projective, dtheta=pi/150, dphi=2*pi/300 |
Non-projective, 3cm x 3cm |
Longitudinal segmentation
Both barrel and endcaps of the TCMT systems are composed of 48 layers, each layer having the same longitudinal segmentation as the HCal, namely:
material |
thickness |
Stainless steel |
2.0 cm |
Polystyrene (active) |
0.5 cm |
G10 |
0.3 cm |
Cell indices
The number of bits in calorimeter cell IDs have also been changed with respect to sidaug05, from 11 bits to 16 bits, including forward ECAL endcaps.