Style Guide
Which Styles, grammar, spelling to use
We follow the prescriptions from the Machine TDR: TDR Forge
and the style guide. Some excerpts
ILC uses international English spelling. Here we provide a few examples for guidance:
-il: full (not fulll)
-re: centre (not center)
-our: colour (not color)
-gue: catalogue (not catalog, but analog is used in electronics)
-mme: programme (not program, unless referring to a computer program)
-ell-: labelled (not labeled)
-ce/-se: licence (noun), license (verb), practice (noun), practise (verb)
-ise: organisation, authorise.
Hyphens are used to avoid ambiguity, for instance in attributive compound adjectives
(compare `a little used car' and `a little-used car'), to distinguish between words such
as `reform' (change for the better) and `re-form' (form again), and to separate double
letters to aid comprehension and pronunciation (e.g., co-operate).
Hyphens are also used if a prefix or suffix is added to a proper noun, symbol, or
numeral, and in fractions: e.g., non-Fermi, 12-fold, three-quarters.
En dash
En dashes are used to mean `and' (e.g., space-time, Sourian-Lagrange) or `to' (e.g.,
2011-2012, input-output ratio).
Quotation marks
Double for true quotations, single for anything else.
Do not use in plural acronyms (e.g., JFETs), decades (1990s). Do use in plural
Greek letters and symbols (e.g., 's).
Colon, semi-colon, exclamation mark, question mark
Please note that in English these punctuation marks do not require a space before
What is the naming convention for LaTeX \labels
Every label has to start with sid: to avoid clashes with the ILD part
Naming convention
for labels that are referred by to other sections/chapters
sid:chapter:figure_name sid:chapter:table_name
for labels on figures/tables.
What is the format for graphics and pictures
PNG/JPG for pictures, PDF for drawings, plots
ROOT can also easily generate PDF, many eps can be converted straightforward to eps.
Can I use Word ?
No, document needs to be delivered in LaTeX, if you write in Word, we have to manually convert into LaTeX, this is once only thing. All comments you'll get need to be done in LaTeX anyway
Problems with expl package being too old
! Package siunitx Error: Support package expl3 too old.
The package expl3 is superseded by l3kernel.
The solution is to remove the expl3 package and install l3kernel instead.
This has occured only on Mac so far
Which version is used for the nightly builds ?
The version installed on CERN AFS, which should work on any SL5 Linux box, but is much more recent than the default installation
Why can't I use the SL5 default installation
Short answer, because the ILCTDR style file is not compatible which a LaTeX installation from 2007
I want to update my Latex Installation
Go to TexLive Homepage for the latest packages, for Mac check out MacTex
How to create BiBTeX entries
For most papers, that are available on INSPIRE, Inspire can actually generate the BibTex entry for you
Just click on BiBTeX and you 'll get
@article{White:2012vs, author = "White, Andy", title = "{Progress towards the Detailed Baseline Design for the SiD Detector Concept}", year = "2012", eprint = "1202.6625", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "physics.ins-det", SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:1202.6625;%%", }
which you can then send to the main editors so it will be included in the BiBTex database and you can reference it in your chapter using
Problems with your svn account
The CERN account doesn't let you connect to the svn, but to everything else (email, web). Please check if your account has access to the AFS/Linux resource (subscribe to Linux/AFS) in CERN terms.
just check
If it is not, that is the reason for your problems, so please subscribe.
Authentication with ssh key
Works well under Linux, please read the CERN SVN FAQ
Adding a figure to SVN ...
If you are adding something new to the document (photo, figure, etc) you have to to svn add before doing a commit, so SVN knows, that this file is now under version management