Jefferson Lab/Hall B/HPS Run Wiki
The data quality management system provides important histograms that allow subsystems experts to check the quality of the data that is being taken soon after it is taken.
The DQM is run using a swif workflow, which is a collection of auger jsub requests. There are 3 phases of each workflow:
example uses run 7373, and reads the files from cache (replace with the number of the run you are using):
Execute the following commands to create the workflow and run it.
This creates a workflow, generates a group of jsub scripts, adds the jsubs to the workflow, and then runs the workflow.
A note from the DQM coordinator: The script generates an error message if anyone attempts to execute it from any account other than the hps account. This is intentional, because whichever account starts the workflow owns the dqm files, which only the hps account should own, not somebody's personal account (including the DQM coodinator).
The DQM files will be found in
An example of a name of a dqm output file name generated from a single evio file is:
An example of a combined dqm output file is:
Folder | Driver | Notes: |
EcalClusters | org.hps.analysis.dataquality.EcalMonitoring | contains separate plots for corrected clusters and for pre-corrected clusters |
EcalHits | org.hps.analysis.dataquality.EcalMonitoring | |
FinalStateMonitoring | org.hps.analysis.dataquality.FinalStateMonitoring | information about reconstructed particles. |
HelicalTrackHits | org.hps.analysis.dataquality.TrackingMonitoring | |
Tracks | org.hps.analysis.dataquality.TrackingMonitoring | |
TrackingResiduals | org.hps.analysis.dataquality.TrackingResiduals | Residuals in time and position of tracks |
SVTMonitoring | org.hps.analysis.dataquality.SVTMonitoring | SVT plots including occupancy, amplitude, etc. for each module |
TridentMonitoring | org.hps.analysis.dataquality.TridentMonitoring | Details about e+e- vertices, using many cuts |
V0Monitoring | org.hps.analysis.dataquality.V0Monitoring | Vertices without any cuts (or minimal cuts). Includes Mollers. |
The steering file used for generating the DQM files is /org/hps/steering/production/DataQualityRecon.lcsim .