The goal is to create a root tuple from data in an LCIO file. This will be done within root using the LCIO root dictionary.


It is assumed that you already have a working installation of root and that you have defined the system variables via

source <rootinstalldir>/bin/

Checkout and build LCIO including the root dictionary

git clone
cd LCIO 
checkout v02-15-02
mkdir build 
cd build 
make -j 4 install 
cd ..  
cd ..

Create a root logon file

This file will be used to load the LCIO root dictionary into root.

Create a file rootlogon.C with this content:


Write the analysis code

The following code (writeNTuple.C) provides an example of how to open an LCIO file containing a collection of MCParticle objects and create a tuple containing the momentum and starting position for stable particles from the generator.

load LCIO libraries before calling this macro in root:   
   gSystem->Load("liblcio");  gSystem->Load("liblcioDict");
/** Example script for using the LCIO root dictionary. 
*  writeNTuple:  
*  reads *.slcio file and creates a simple NTuple from the MCParticle collection. 
void writeNTuple(const char* FILEN) {    

  std::string rootFileBaseName( FILEN , (strlen(FILEN) ) - strlen(".slcio") ) ;
  std::string rootFileName = rootFileBaseName + std::string(".root") ;

  //  std::cout << " rootFileBaseName: " << rootFileBaseName << std::endl ;

  std::string mcpName("MCParticle") ;

  const char* tupleNames = "px:py:pz:vx:vy:vz:pdg" ;
  double px,py,pz,vx,vy,vz ;
  int pdg, gs;

  //--- create a ROOT file and an NTuple

  TFile* file = new TFile( rootFileName.c_str()  , "RECREATE");
  TNtupleD *tuple= new TNtupleD("MCP", "", tupleNames );
  std::cout << " loaded LCIO library and dictionary ... " << std::endl ;
  int nEvents = 0  ;
  int maxEvt = 10000 ;  // change as needed
  IO::LCReader* lcReader = IOIMPL::LCFactory::getInstance()->createLCReader() ;
  lcReader->open( FILEN ) ;

  IMPL::LCCollectionVec emptyCol ;
  EVENT::LCEvent* evt = 0 ;  
  //----------- the event loop -----------  
  while( (evt = lcReader->readNextEvent()) != 0  && nEvents < maxEvt ) {

    //    UTIL::LCTOOLS::dumpEvent( evt ) ;
    nEvents ++ ;
    // ------- fill the MCParticle collection to tuple

    IMPL::LCCollectionVec* col = (IMPL::LCCollectionVec*) evt->getCollection( mcpName  ) ;
    int nMCP = col->getNumberOfElements() ;
    for(int i=0 ; i<nMCP ; ++i){

      EVENT::MCParticle* mcp =  (EVENT::MCParticle*) col->getElementAt(i) ;

      if(mcp->getGeneratorStatus() == 1) {

        px = mcp->getMomentum()[0] ;
        py = mcp->getMomentum()[1] ;
        pz = mcp->getMomentum()[2] ;

        vx = mcp->getVertex()[0] ;
        vy = mcp->getVertex()[1] ;
        vz = mcp->getVertex()[2] ;

        pdg = mcp->getPDG() ;

        tuple->Fill(px,py,pz,vx,vy,vz,pdg) ;
  // -------- end of event loop -----------
  file->Write() ;
  file->Close() ;

  delete file ;
  std::cout << std::endl
            <<  "  " <<  nEvents
            << " events read from file: "
            << FILEN << std::endl  ;

  lcReader->close() ;

  delete lcReader ;

Compile and run the code

$root -b
  | Welcome to ROOT 6.18/04         |
  |                               (c) 1995-2019, The ROOT Team |
  | Built for linuxx8664gcc on Sep 11 2019, 15:38:23           |
  | From tags/v6-18-04@v6-18-04                                |
  | Try '.help', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q' |

root [0] .L writeNTuple.C
root [1] writeNTuple("hpsForward_e-_4.5GeV_z-7.5_0_SLIC-v06-00-01_QGSP_BERT_HPS-PhysicsRun2019-v2-4pt5_recon.slcio")
 loaded LCIO library and dictionary ...

  10000 events read from file: hpsForward_e-_4.5GeV_z-7.5_0_SLIC-v06-00-01_QGSP_BERT_HPS-PhysicsRun2019-v2-4pt5_recon.slcio

root [2] .q
  • No labels