1. News
Stepan reported PAC38 is meeting. Volker presented Hall B plans, including HPS test run with some electron running!
2. Parasitic rates from pair production. Takashi. 20110822.pptx
3 Parasitic run. John. Parasitic Running Thoughts and Homework.pptx
Corrected estimate of pair rate. Should be 0.6/sec; was 600/sec. Now closer to Takashi's simulation.
Stepan asked what other processes (beyond pairs and gamma p interactions) could make pizeros.
Al noted that photon interactions with nuclei will often lead to nuclear breakup, proton and neutron production.
Beamline designer is trying to fit in Marco's upstream flange behind the harp. There is presently 10.75" between the existing vac chamber flange and the harp beamline connection. Report at next meeting.
HDice will run photons through two sets of collimators, resulting in a 2.6 mm (diameter?) beam, with very little tail. Stepan thinks we could place si sensors within 5 mm of the beam.
4. Designs of upstream flange and si motion system. Marco. HPSAug222011.pptx
Marco was unable to attend the meeting, but sent these slides.

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