SVT DAQ meeting agenda

Discussion points:

  •  News from cold testing and SVT tests
  • Summary of JLab DAQ integration discussion during collab. meeting
    • Trigger interface:
      • Get a complete implementation of the JLab TI
      • William promised to try and separate out VME and general firmware for easier implementation on TI DPM (~July)
      • Ryan was gonna design the TI hardware on the RTM and send to William for verification (timescale?)
      • We'll want to setup a complete trigger system (i.e. with trigger supervisor and trigger interefance operating as in the real experiment) at SLAC (did we verify the TS board existance at slac?). We can do it with the existing DAQ; is this a prioirty or can it wait until we have the new TI to test?
    • ROC application
      • More comfortable with idea to compiling and running the ROC application on the RCE now. 
      • Positive feedback now from both David and Sergey to try and compile a "slimmed down" version on Linux/ARM; Sergey mentioned it we can get it running on RTEMS as well but need work to remove dependencies not supported (e.g. tcl, mysql). He thought he could work on this during the summer and perhaps have something by the end of the summer.
      • Running in "block readout" mode was also verified to work (ROC transfer blocks of events at a slower rate than the trigger rate (~1-2kHz) to remove network transfer related latencies). Need a little more work to understand the exact handshake in this mode.
    • Support for calibration runs was discussed and it might be supported by CODA by our run (basically no way of telling the sub-systems what configuration to load from CODA right now). Need to follow up on this aspect. Workaround ideas exist anyway to improve compared to test run.
    • Discussion on monitoring:
      • Need to improve our logging from test run (local log file on DAQ PC)
      • Do we want more info than the error bits in the data stream, what do we want in epics,
      • New EPICS archiver will be available for the 2014 run. Archives *all* EPICS variables with given frequency (seconds?).
    • Power supply control
      • EPICS will control the PS as before. However, SVT DAQ is able to control power to LV power to individual hybrids. For monitoring we need to make this available to EPICS (implement IOC server on spare RCE node?). HV bias is controlled by EPICS only.

* Status of hybrid design
* Status/plans of FE board developments
* B-field test setup for in-chamber electronics?
* Any news on flex designs
* Any news on RCE and COB production for HPS

Webex meeting for those not at SLAC:

Minutes 6/14/2013

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