

TI interface implementation
  • Ryan presented current plan for the implementation of the multi-ROC TI interface for the SVT. William and Sergei saw no problem with the plan. 
  • William said that they will add support for 9 ROCs per TI interface.
  • Ryan asked if the firmware blocks could be organized to have a clean interface.
  • William estimated 3-4 weeks to get new multi-ROC TI firmware which fitted with getting the new RTM hardware setup.
  • Sergey said that in 3-4 weeks we could get new firmware to load onto the trigger board at SLAC to have it act as a TS. We can still setup the system with the old TS firmware. 

  • The SVT ROC need to support three trigger types (with individual acknowledgement):
    • readout of the APV25
    • readout data block
    • sync trigger which means reading out all outstanding blocks and clear. It will arrive only on block readout boundary.

  • There is a 3MB buffer size for each trigger designed to fit X blocks * event size on the ROC; SVT should calculate how this fits with SVT event size in both nominal running and calibration (where event size is much larger). 


DAQ configuration 

Went over the procedures and in particular the questions listed on: 

3.14.2014 Meeting


  • The configuration file path will be stored in the CODA run DB and determined by the run mode in CODA
  • The configuration file contains an “include” that contains the SVT xml configuration file.
  • The flattened file will be accessed and the mounted on the SVT control ROC. 
  • The SVT ROC will have a parser that extracts the SVT xml tags to be used normally in the system. 

Storing of conditions: 

  • The flattened configuration file will be stored once per run in the pre start header as a text file. 
  • We can extract the configuration used for a particular run (into a DB if needed) by parsing the evio.

DAQ status information 

  • It is possible to dump an evio bank every X events. 
  • SVT DAQ will inject a “status” evio bank that contains the environmental (FE board temp., Hybrid temp.) and power (currents, voltages) variables. We expect this to be ~10’s of kB





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