Connect to atca crate controller via a serial port: root/HpsRoot are the credentials to log on

# clia getlanconfig

Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter

    Error: too few parameters
        Shows the LAN settings
        1  or "auth_support"
        2  or "auth_enables"
        3  or "ip"
        4  or "ip_source"
        5  or "mac"
        6  or "subnet_mask"
        7  or "ipv4_hdr_param"
        8  or "pri_rmcp_port"
        9  or "sec_rmcp_port"
        10 or "arp_control"
        11 or "arp_interval"
        12 or "dft_gw_ip"
        13 or "dft_gw_mac"
        14 or "backup_gw_ip"
        15 or "backup_gw_mac"
        16 or "community"
        17 or "destination_count"
        18 or "destination_type"
        19 or "destination_address"
        20 or "vlan_id"
        21 or "vlan_priority"
        22 or "cs_entry_count"
        23 or "cs_entries"
        24 or "cs_priv_levels"
        25 or "destination_vlan_tag"

        getlanconfig <channel number> <parameter number> | <parameter name>

clia setlanconfig can be used to set any of these flash registers which keep the default static network configuration

The channel number of device eth0 is 1

route add default gw 

This is an example command to directly set the gateway server ip after power cycling, in the case it doesn't come up with the correct default

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