Jefferson Lab/Hall B/HPS Run Wiki
Attendees: Norman, Alic, Alessandra, Cameron, Jeremy, MattG, Maurik, Omar, PF, Tim, Tongtong
New Meeting Time: There was no clear day/time which allowed everyone to attend.
After some discussion it was agreed that the meeting should move to Tuesday 11-12AM Pacific.
Maurik's teaching commitment which conflicts with this time will end in May, allowing him to participate fully after that time.
Software Release Procedures: Jeremy had intended to make an actual release, but as the hps-java master was failing, it was decided simply to walk through the procedures and not make the actual release. (In the meantime a pull request was approved and the tests passed.) Omar will be taking over the responsibility for making releases. It was agreed that he would make the release after today's meeting, with Jeremy's assistance.
SVT APV25 Crosstalk Filter Status: We ran out of time for a formal presentation from Cameron.