Jefferson Lab/Hall B/HPS Run Wiki
Attendees: Norman, Cameron, Jeremy, Tongtong, Maurik, MattG, Rafo
2019 MC production issues: Cameron brought up the issue of canonical directories to hold production scripts for 2019 MC. Tongtong agreed to review the existing folder structure being used at JLab. Jeremy brought up the issue of putting thought into the scripts being used at SLAC and JLab to search for commonalities.
MC SVT beam background overlay: It was brought up that work remains to be done to incorporate the SVT into the beam overlay process.
Integration Tests: Jeremy brought up improving the integration tests. It was agreed that we should improve the test coverage to explicitly include calorimeter and hodoscope quantitities and consider comparison of histogram differences instead of histogram statistics to avoid roundoff errors. Cameron stressed that we currently don't test the readout chain for MC. We agreed to develop a chain to test the readout/recon chain as part of the integration test process.