
  1. Software readiness - All
  2. Software release plan - All
  3. AOB/Questions


ECAL Conditions Database issue: There was an issue (reported in software_wg slack channel) where recent updates to the ECal conditions database was causing crashes. The cause of this was identified and a fix should be in place by the end of the day.

ECAL "Stuck bit" : Tongtong identified a set of runs which had a stuck bit (second-lowest) in the ECal channel ID. Nathan described the Driver he has written to try to fix these events. Details can be found at  There was a brief discussion on how best to prevent this from happening in this summer's run. 

Data / MC Overlay: The need for SVT input to overlay data backgrounds on to the "signal" MC was brought up. No progress has been made to date.

Trigger System Input Parameters: Tongtong brought up the issue of how best to access parameters needed by the trigger system: some are taken from the database, some are accessed through the steering file. A proposal was made to store the trigger configurations as resource files and access them from the jar files.

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