
  1. Data storage for HPS:
    1. LCIO data improvements             -- Norman
    2. Extending LCIO data model         -- Omar
    3. Discussion on alternate formats   -- Maurik
  2. AOB/Questions


Norman: LCIO data files

What should go in the output files?

  • Can drop the RAW waveform shapes?  - Yes, just a copy of EVIO.
  • Can we drop the individual Ecal and SVT readout channels, or just keep the clustered versions? - Can probably just keep the clusters and drop the individual hits.
    • Drop SVTShapeFitParameters? (Lots of nan entries!)
  • Noted: We can also drop the entire event if it is a "monster" event. This will save a lot of space.
  • Noted: We would need different LCIO output content depending on what we want to do with the file. 
    • Alignment would need additional information.
    • Other calibrations need extra info as well.
  • LCIO Object - We could write our own HPS specific data objects.
    • Example: Write 1D tracker hit, instead of 3D tracker hits. Kalman needs only the 1D hits.
  • Noted: "Pass0" (0.3%) - We would keep the current verbose file.
  • Other Note: The MC output is even larger. It has far too many MCParticles in it.
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