

Status SVT:

  • Hardware – Matt Graham – Thinks everything is working. 
    • Except one sensor in layer 4 bottom one side (old numbering) which isn't working and probably not recoverable. (Perhaps front end board,)
    • Two sensors, layer 6 bottom. that are not turned on, We hope to get those back.
    • Layer 0 and 1 seem to be working. Not fully commissioned. 
      • Some DAQ Mapping issues that are being sorted out right now.
      • We see hits when moved to 1.5mm.
  • The SVT EVIO - the bank structure changed.
    • Omar fixed this. 
    • Seems to be working except for the DAQ Map.
  • Analysis:
    • Branch: iss425 (started a while ago) for online monitoring. 
      • Many other branches are merged into this.
      • We need to merge this with master. MAKE A TAG BEFORE THIS MERGE IS DONE.
    • We can get clusters on sensors, we can get 3-D hits.
    • We don't see any tracks yet.
    • We don't have realistic pedestals, so the hits we get don't have realistic times. 
      • Timing in = middle peak for maximum sample lined up for low current. It looks OK.
      • We need to get the pedestals into the database, for all 6 samples.
    • No tracks are shown yet.
  • Software path forward:
    • Make a tag of the current master.
    • Start a Run2019 branch that will function as the "master" for all 2019 related changes.

Status Hodoscope:

  • The hodoscope readout is done (Rafo)
    • It has generic collections, but all info is there.

Status Trigger:

  • Trigger Analysis – Rafo
    • Loose trigger on only hodoscope: any hit in hodoscope.
      • Check if trigger on ECAL works - do we see a cluster.
    • Skim on ECAL hits at positron. (seems 99% efficient?)
    • Found an issue with the number of hits: it was a signed rather than unsigned int with 4 bits.
  • Next Steps:
    • Validate the full production trigger.
    • The ultimate test will be with the tracking, validating coincidence between calorimeter and hodoscope.
  • Needs to still get an improvement with the hodoscope gains for different HV settings.
  • Valery:
    • We don't need to wait for SVT to be fully operational to verify the Hodoscope trigger. The calorimeter trigger is good.
    • The Hodoscope needs to have HV adjusted. 
    • The Hodoscope rates are very high, The deadline on a single tile becomes >1%. 
      • The Threshold (TET) for the Hodoscope needs to be adjusted to reduce the rates.
    • We still need to do the Hodoscope verification with the data that we took already. We need to test the hodoscope logic.
      • Make sure the correlation matrix is correct. We cannot depend on the MC for this.
      • We don't need to wait. We need to do this now. 
  • Rafo:
    • Do we need random data?
      • No: we can use the calorimeter data only to verify the hodoscope correlations.
    • Do you have the code to validate the trigger logic?


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