
  1.  Demo of DQM plots                              — Jeremy           
  2. What are top priority tasks for Run 2    — All
  3. JIRA tasks                                             — All
  4. Questions?                                           — All



Jeremy has a system for showing IDA output on the web. It shows a tree of the available directories, click on them and it shows the plots.
Can be made more easy, should not be too much work to setup.

Can the publishing of this be automated?  — not entirely trivial: Data to tape + run recon + copy DQM output to correct place. Details will need to be discussed on how to do this. 

Why can't online monitoring do this?  - Much of this requires tracking, which runs a lot slower. It is not clear if this can be run sufficiently fast from the counting house to give sufficient statistics in a reasonable amount of time. 

 Why do we need DQM? – to look at full recon. 

Who? We need to organize DQM better for the next run. Offline shifts, which make sure DQM ran, and the output is checked.

Overlays?  It would be nice to have some overlay, or way to make comparisons easier to a standard set of plots. 

Comment: We would probably want to normalize to F-cup.


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