Time and Location

2pm Eastern time

Room F326 in F-wing at JLab


  • Meeting schedule [Hovanes]
  • Representatives from detector groups [Everyone]
  • Search for volunteers for slow control tasks [Everyone]
  • Hall B computing infrastructure (computers, accounts, networks etc) [Sergey]
  • ECAL voltage controls requirements [Stepan, F.-X.]


Present at JLab: Hovanes, Nerses, Stepan, Sergey .

Present at SLAC: Sho, Pele.

Meeting Schedule

  • The meetings will be held biweekly until there is a need for weekly meetings.

Representatives from detector groups

It was suggested that it would be good to have a single point of contact for each detector group even for the cases when more than one person contributes to the controls for a particular detector.

  • Stepan will be representing ECAL
  • F.-X. will be representing beamline
  • Sho will be the contact for SVT
  • Muon system did not have anyone at the meeting, we will find this out offline.

Volunteers for slow controls

  • Ani Simonyan from Yerevan volunteered to help with the ECAL voltage controls.
  • Sho and Pele will both contribute to SVT controls. Hovanes promised to help them with EPICS issues.

Hall B computing infrastructure

  • In a couple of weeks Sergey will be able to move equipment into Hall B counting house. Hovanes asked an access to a Linux server with epics, clas12run, clasrun local accounts. 
  • Stepan suggested to use CLAS6 directory structure to minimize efforts.
  • HPS will develop its custom software, but will rely on Hall B EPICS BASE, support, extensions. Details will be worked out offline.
  • Hovanes needs to compile a full list of items that need to be controlled during the HPS run so that there is a finite number of things that need to be checked when moving to VxWorks 5.5 and EPICS .

 ECAL voltage controls

  • ECAL needs controls for HV for APDs and LV for preamps.
  • ECAL HV will use old CAEN SY1527 chassis wilth A1520 HV boards that were used for DVCS IC. Basic EPICS support exists.
  • ECAL LV system will use a single MPV18008 board in Wiener MPOD chassis. Basic EPICS support exists.
  • SY1527 HV chassis with the boards soon will be moved into PCAL area (Stepan). They will be connected to the internal Hall B network.
  • SVT group will let us use their spare MPOD chassis, although we might not be able to physically move it to the most convenient place for us. It will be on Hall B network.
  • The final mapping of the channels and detector modules is not finalized, it is expected to be ready in approximately one month.
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