Present: Stepan, Maurik, Nathan, Matt, Tim, John, Raphael, Marzio

Please send additions and/or corrections to the EC email list.

- new from the DOE IF review (Tim)

Last week there was a review of HEP intensity frontier programs at all labs in DOE. Tim had a 30 min presentation on the SLAC activities (60% on HPS, 40% on APEX and LDMX). Overall response for HPS was positive. Preliminary closeout remarks have been briefly discussed, with exception of one comment in one of sections, rest was very encouraging for HPS. This one comment was not negative but was ambiguous. Other comments of importance - committee explicitly called for  fast analysis of 2019 experimental data, suggested to submit beam time request for 2020, and supported 5 FTE request for HPS.

- reply to PRD (Omar)
Omar was not available, Matt said that he sent histogram for one additional figure to Omar to be included in the paper. Matt did not know if it is implemented or not. We will discuss this at the wednesday meeting.

- collaboration meeting dates (Stepan)
Preliminary discussion of the next collaboration meeting dates took place two weeks ago at the Wednesday meeting. Maurik asked if we want to have one or two meetings before the 2019 run. Overall consensus was that we want to have two meetings, geared towards preparations for the run. A good time for the meeting this fall at SLAC is end of October beginning of November. But there are number of meetings conflicting with that time period. After some discussions two dates were proposed, November 7 to 9, and November 28 to 30 (2.5 day meeting as usual). Everyone will look their calendars ones more and will send their preferances to Stepan, after which decision will be made. 

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