Present: Stepan, Maurik, Raphael, Tim, Matt, Nathan, John

Please send additions/corrections to the EC mail list.

1. Update on plans for HPS results at Cosmic Visions Workshop   

We discussed the recent sturm und drang around presenting the full 2015 unblinded data at the Cosmic Visions Workshop.

The procedures for review were established at our November, 2016 Collaboration meeting, by the analysis group, and by our Bylaws. At the collaboration meeting we decided that an analysis note be circulated prior to unblinding  and that the analysis group have authority to sign off on final cuts and analysis procedures. They chose to do this by appointing a review committee (Graf (chair), FX, Valery, Raphael). That committee got the somewhat rough analysis note on 3/8/17. They are at work, but decided in a meeting yesterday that they have not had enough time to approve unblinding. This means that only the 10% analysis will be shown at the Cosmic Workshop next week.  In discussing this, it became clear that the charge to this group needs sharpening and perhaps narrowing in the very near term, and that HPS needs to develop clearer standards for what level of detail  is needed in analysis notes, perhaps at the collaboration meeting. It also became clear that this committee must report back within a week or two, so that the data can be ready for presentation at the May Collaboration Meeting, which presentation is viewed by all as extremely important.


2. Goals for the collaboration meeting.                                                   

Stepan reviewed a draft agenda for the meeting. Agenda_05_2017.docx  We decided it would be good to add a special lab wide seminar on first HPS results, and a second, if possible, on New Targets for Heavy Photons, a theory talk from Nikita or Asher discussing thermal dark matter targets and SIMPs.

3. Publication Plans

Matt showed a proposed plan for our first HPS physics publications.hps-pubs-march-17-2017.pdf    It was well received.

We talked briefly about how better to organize to analyze and publish in a timely way.  It was suggested that PPC get more involved, and help with early writing and editing. More actively coordinating students to help with critical homework was discussed, as was naming senior physicists to more closely oversee student contributions. The publication plan and how to get there should be discussed in more detail at the collaboration meeting.

Respectfully submitted,


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