Present: Stepan, Maurik, Tim, Nathan, Raphael, Matt, John

Please send comments/corrections to the whole EC email list.


  1. Final Bump Hunt corrections and approval of analysis note
    Omar has been swamped with other responsibilities, so has postponed discussion of final corrections to next week’s Wed meeting.

  2. Approving new results and thesis results and plan for paper
    John showed a summary of current HPS policy HPS Rules of the Road 02.21.2018.ppt

    We first discussed how to present new results.  Matt emphasized the need to keep the number of preliminary results under close
    control, so as not to spread confusion, and the need to provide HPS a coherent presentation incorporating the new results prior
    to their being shown publicly. We agreed that a formal presentation at the Wed meeting is prerequisite to presenting new HPS
    results. John will amend the slides appropriately.

    We do not yet have a real archive of approved “non-physics” HPS results—performance plots, etc. We need to develop one with PPC’s help.
    It is proposed to have the ECal, SVT, and analysis groups propose, respectively, ECal performance, SVT performance, and physics results
    to the PPC, which is charged with managing them and making them available  to everyone for talks.

    We agreed that the analysis note contains the basic physics plots pertaining to an analysis. As we move from first distribution of the
    analysis note to the final results for a paper, the analysis note should be updated, figures updated as necessary, and final “paper”
    plots included. The physics plots can then be selected from figures in the note.

    Stepan addressed a concern about whether results presented in a thesis were public and therefore needed approval. The issue comes
    up because Sebouh will be defending in late March. In the past, with Sho, Omar, and Holly, no special requirements were made of the
    student before their defense. After some discussion, we decided that Stepan would ask Sebouh to present at least a plan, and hopefully
    a summary of the new results which would be used in his thesis.

    Raphael noted that Orsay had gone to some lengths to exclude final results from Ani’s thesis, and thought previous EC or collaboration
    discussions had required this. Raphael agreed to refresh our memories on old policies, and to provide text for a new policy covering
    this issue. We’ll discuss this next time.

  3. Next Collaboration Meeting: Schedule and goals  
    Stepan announced the meeting would be May 22-24, 2018 at JLAB. He showed an outline for categories of talks, and noted that there
    would be a couple of talks shared with JLAB generally. He asked for specific suggestions for talks, and will soon begin asking the various
    HPS subgroups to suggest specific talks and speakers. He underscored the importance of pushing publication of HPS results and plans
    for doing so at this meeting as a means to help secure 2019 run time.

  4. Leadership Changes.
    John reminded EC that he moved to emeritus status last July 1, is working half time this year, and will be fully retired as of July 1, 2018.
    After that he’ll continue as an HPS collaborator and focus his attentions on HPS analysis and securing run time in 2019. Tim Nelson is
    taking over the SLAC HPS group at that time, and has been making the transition throughout this year. Tim will also take over John’s
    role as HPS co-spokesperson at the time of the upcoming Collaboration meeting. This will allow SLAC, which is central to many parts
    of HPS, to continue sharing HPS leadership responsibilities.  The present HPS co-spokespeople are on board with this plan. John will
    remain on the EC, in emeritus status, and will be allowed to vote, “as long as he votes right.” In addition to John, we’ll vote to fill two
    EC positions at the coming election..


Respectfully submitted,



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