Present: Maurik, Tim, Matt, Nathan, Maurik, Raphael, Omar, Norman, John


Please send additions/corrections to the EC mail list.


  1. News
    Tim reported that the SVT Upgrade sensor has been ordered. It is due back (to SLAC?) end of July. SVT upgrade work is turning to mechanical design and hybrid layout.  
  2. Approval of Analysis Note
    Norman reported receiving no comments from HPS rank and file. Comments re the note were received from Stepan, Miriam, and Raphael. Norman’s committee raised no physics objections to the note, thereby granting approval,  though two members have yet to read the note, having had only a month to do so. Members of the EC agreed to conditionally approve the note, waiting on Omar’s evaluation of how the A’ radiative tail (not yet accounted for) will change the limit before granting final approal. Sebouh’s studies have shown this to be a 15% effect.

    Omar reported that work has begun on the draft of the paper. Rouven has written an introduction, and Omar a section or two.     
  3. Publication Plans.
    We reiterated that the 2015 bump hunt paper should be submitted to Rapid Communications. If they don’t deem it worthy, they’ll automatically move it to Phys Rev D.

    Matt Graham reviewed the plans for the 2015 bump plus vertex publication. It will cover bump and vertex, 0.5 mm and 1.5 mm data, and be sent to PRD. Omar will write an addendum to the present analysis note for the bump hunt extension. Holly, Matt, Bradley, and Matt S, will write a new vertex note, which has already been started. The bump hunt should be relatively straight forward once the Pass8 is blessed. The big issue is how to add the two data sets. For the vertex analysis, the big issue is understanding the background. Matt G imagines an L1L1 analysis only. Timeline for 2015 bump + vertex is results by summer, analysis notes by the fall; paper by end of 2018.


  1. Next Collaboration meeting.
    Tentatively, the next meeting will be at JLAB in the May-June time frame. We should avoid early May (7-8) because of an LDMX meeting. Raphael expressed the hope that the HPS meeting could be back to back with CLAS12. We hope Stepan will evaluate room availability and look for other possible conflicts and propose possible dates.


Respectfully submitted,



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