Present: Maurik, Stepan, Raphael, Nathan, Matt, Tim, John

Please send additions/corrections to the EC mail list.


1. Review Management Update Document and homework needed.

Matt's recent results substantiated the arguments used in the document. We still would like to have confirmation that the latest MC (with M5 tridents, corrected WABs, and background) shows good agreement with esum and the other critical distributions. Being able to pin down the relative normalizations of wabs and tridents is critically important. Matt is using a new data driven approach to get these numbers. A best fit to the critical distributions can give relative wab and trident fractions too, modulo belief in the MC. Other methods could be developed as well. Stepan registered uneasiness with our lack of understanding of these normalizations, but we decided that for the purposes of this document stating the present status of the situation would have to suffice. Finally, we will try to include an updated reach calculation for the bump hunt. We'll review progress in one week, and try to come to final decisions then regarding the document, aiming to submit it before the end of the month.

John briefly reviewed a new comparison of proposal vs present vs upgrade reach based on results given in Sho's thesis.Proposal vs Present vs Upgrade Reach.ppt This provides the basis for changes in the text. We now state that the vertex reach is roughly a factor of 8 worse than what we had presented in the proposal, and that upgrade measures could recover a factor 6. Update on HPS Progress toward Physics Publications V0.6.docx 

2. New help for the bump hunt analysis.

Matt, Nathan, and Omar discussed how best to make rapid progress on the 0.5 mm bump hunt analysis. They decided to recruit Nathan to help check out Omar's fitter and  Rafo to help getting this result out. Adding others doesn't seem efficient in the short term since there is a steep learning curve and pressure to move fast.

3.  Collaboration meeting time and place:

We discussed which of the following dates would be best for the upcoming collaboration meeting at JLAB:  March 27-28, April 18-20, April 25-27, May 2-4. We decided it would be best to be relatively late in the spring to guarantee that bump hunt results would be public in time for the meeting. This could also facilitate getting new reach estimates and a firm upgrade plan ready in time for the meeting. We decided, tentatively, on May 3-5. We'll publicize that to HPS and sample collaboration opinion.



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