The K3 is 5760x4092 pixels. However, it is optimized for super-resolution and will output 11520x8184 pixel images natively.

The camera is about 4x faster than the K2, it can output between 10 and 75 hertz (0.1 sec to 0.013 sec).  You can not take a frame longer than 0.1 sec.  For alignment, you want ~0.75-1.5 e-/px/frame.

Always use counting mode, never use linear mode.


Optimal Dose Rate

 Gatan recommends a range of 15-25 e-/pix/sec - in house tests suggests 10-20 eps give about equivalent results, higher might be worse but we've seen varying results. Please remember to scale your total dose from your K2 parameters - you may need up to 4 seconds to get something similar to what you were using before.


Please try to keep under 80 eps - this camera is too heavy to retract automatically!


Gain Reference on the K3

New updates in the software means that we should update both the linear and counting gain refs, as with the K2.


CDS Mode (Correlated Double Sampling)

We're in the process of testing this out. Check back later!



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