Web Ge is the Web XAS detector windowing GUI. We have several different types of detector electronics that affect how Web Ge operates, so it is important to know which system you are using.

2-2 - Web Ge (analog)

4-3 - Sam's software (name?) (DXP)

7-3 - Web Ge (analog)

9-3 - Web Ge (DXP)

Web Ge Analog

Web Ge for the analog systems uses a Canberra ADC for collecting MCA spectrum while XAS data collection is done through the CAMAC real-time clock and hex scalers. You can safely collect MCA traces in Web Ge without interfering with data collection. It is not recommended that you use Web Ge while collecting data, however, because adjusting windows will affect your scans.

Web Ge DXP

Web Ge with the DXPs has several fundamental differences from the analog version.

The most important difference is that Web Ge and XAS data collection use the same electronics with very different settings so going back and forth between Web XAS ("SCA mode") and Web Ge ("MCA mode") must be done carefully. It is highly recommended that when you are done windowing and are ready to collect data, you close the Web Ge browser window and do not reopen it until you are done collecting data.

When Web Ge launches, it will check whether or not the DXPs are in an active state. If they are not active, Web Ge initializes the electronics to MCA mode. If they are active, Web Ge will prompt you to stop them. Pressing Ok will stop data collection – do not do this if you are collecting data with Web XAS. Web Ge will then initialize the electronics. Starting data collection in Web XAS will switch the DXPs to SCA mode.

Another key difference is that window settings are not actually applied to the DXPs until you press Update DXPs. The windows that you see in the GUI are purely a software display. (Updating the DXPs after every window adjustment is not practical because updating can take up to several seconds, depending on what settings are being applied.)

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