


  • some knowledge transfer

Discussion items (question and answer with Auristor - Notes in many places should be verified for specifics)

stanford campus 
  • campus migration from AFS to YFS, and/or understanding the gaps faced there
  • new CIO March12 at
 historical, of how we or others got to points in using credentials discussion 

kx509 UNiv of Michigan


discussion of service keytabs, where a host keytab is really a service keytab

 Auristor's Key Manager  
 protecting Heimdal KDC  
 MIT user keytab some local file space in /etc/local/... that can contain user keytabs used to create token
 webby based authentication/authorization Shibboleth, and SAML

Action items

  • Prepare for Feb 11-13
  • Prepare heimdal-dev nodes (bare-metal ) Andrew May