The Silicon Detector (SiD) Design Study will hold a workshop at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory on Wednesday-Friday, January 16-18, 2013, concluding at lunch time on Friday.
Register for the SiD January Wokshop
The workshop has two purposes: The first will be to review the final draft of the SiD Detailed Baseline Design report prior to its formal submission in late January, hearing the latest updates of ongoing detector R&D, physics benchmarking studies, and the ILC accelerator development. Equally important will be planning for the SiD Concept’s future, including its participation in the 2013 “Snowmass” process, future detector R&D, and the next steps in detector preparation.
Thanks to the Higgs discovery and the Japanese interest in ILC, this is an important year for the linear collider. It is critical that the physics and detector case for a future linear collider be made loud and clear at Snowmass, and that SiD support this effort. Everyone interested in these developments and interested in learning more about and participating in the SiD detector concept studies, is welcome to attend.
The meeting will be held on the SLAC campus in the Redwood Rooms C&D of the ROB and, on the last day, in the KIPAC Auditorium. We'll ask for modest donations from all participants at the time of the meeting to cover the cost of refreshments. A workshop dinner will be scheduled for Thursday, January 17, details TBA. We'll collect money for the dinner at the meeting, but would like to know if you plan to attend ahead of time, when you register.
Registration for the SiD Workshop is now open. All are welcome! We have reserved rooms at the SLAC Guest House for the meeting. Make your reservations there as soon as you can, since it fills up fast.