Run Manager Summary

System Tests v15r53p3

System Tests Report Summary

Differences between GR v15r53p3 and GR v15r53p1 are due to the change in the default TKR digi occupancy level.

This release includes two long-coming TKR updates to the maximum strips (reduced to 14) and the occupancy (reduced to 5e-6). There is a substantial reduction in the digi distributions, e.g. per layer, tower, commensurate with the noise reduction. The TKR digi multiplicity, hits, and number of fit tracks per vertex, and ToT distributions also show small and not unexpected changes. These changes were already explored in a previous system test. GR v15r50p7 was special run using the modified occupancy and max strip settings. The comparison of GR v15r53p3 and GR v15r50p7 (use statistics panel instead of summary to check comparison with a non-default version) shows no differences, meaning that all the differences between v15r53p3 and v15r53p1 can be explained by the updated TKR settings.


  • TkrUtil, TkrDigi, TkrRecon, AnalysisNtuple - ToT and other ghost track related updates
  • Event - Digi merging updates, Overlay version 1