Run Manager Summary

System Tests v15r29

System Tests Report Summary

No differences in the comparison with preceding main branch version, GR v15r28.

Differences in comparison to GR v15r24, the previous L1Proc version are as follows:

  • Obf adjusted so that MIP Filter is properly handled for B1-0-8 flight software (GRv15r25)
  • Obf definition of filter state values matches Lsf defined enum for RsdState (GRv15r28).
    Note that the Obf state redefinition (Grv15r28) does not address differences between Fsw and Obf treatment of the high pass filter.


digiRootData, RootIO, RootConvert - Updates for Obf. In the case of MC, fills the Fsw variables to match OnboardFilter. Add ObfFilterStatus method GetState to return Lsf::RsdState
Gleam - Fixed Tkr JO for L1
G4Propagator - beaten into submission? Addresses JIRA GEANT-12
CalibSvc - close calib.root files, updates to job options test files.