Basic Directory Structure

Create the main directory for this host

cd /afs/
mkdir $HOST

Create a symbolic link from glast-tomcat** to $HOST

ln -s $HOST glast-tomcat**

Create the whole directory structure:

cd $HOST
mkdir /scratch/glast/
mkdir /scratch/glast/tomcat60/
mkdir /scratch/glast/tomcat60/logs
mkdir /scratch/glast/tomcat60/temp
mkdir /scratch/glast/tomcat60/work
mkdir /nfs/farm/g/glast/u11/tomcat60/writable/$HOST
mkdir /nfs/farm/g/glast/u11/tomcat60/writable/$HOST/home
mkdir /nfs/farm/g/glast/u11/tomcat60/writable/$HOST/localhost
mkdir /nfs/farm/g/glast/u11/tomcat60/writable/$HOST/webapps
cp ../glastlnx05/SYMLINKS .

Commons and Conf directory

mkdir common
mkdir common/lib
cd common/lib/
cp ../../../glastlnx05/common/lib/SYMLINKS ./SYMLINKS
cd ../../
mkdir conf
cd conf
cp ../../glastlnx05/conf/SYMLINKS .
cp ../../glastlnx05/conf/wrapper.conf .
mkdir Catalina
cd Catalina
cp ../../../glastlnx05/conf/Catalina/SYMLINKS .

cd ../../

Moving the web applications

Most web applications are defined as war files in the webapps directory. But some are defined in conf/context.xml, so make sure that this file is indeed a symlink to common/conf/context.xml. If it is not a link, and it does contain host specific information, then it needs to be copied over.

Check file wrapper.conf

Copy all war files from webapps directory

cp ~/tomcat/BASE55/$HOST/webapps/*.war ./webapps/

## create a java-env60-$ file by copying it from an existing one. Check that the file ~/tomcat/scripts/java-env55-$ has no special settings

## Edit ~/crontabs/$HOST to replace tomcat with tomcat-new
gcrontab ~/crontabs/$HOST

## STOP old server

## START NEW server

Obsolete applications

These applications need to be removed from the glastgen tables and the IIS workermap.



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