Discussion items
- Submit timesheets by this afternoon, please!
- Preparation for Winter Shutdown
- Sunday evening: Nicole, Sebastian, Haley, Lauren to detune cryomodules to cold landing
- Sebastian will come in Monday morning to complete CM01 detuning by 8 am
- Next week: decarad moves
- Include cable labeling
- Lauren will take pics in tunnel for AD website
- New year:
- First day back in the office: January 6th
- 230 kV outage won't recover until January 8th
- Cryo will recover + fast cooldown that Thurs/Friday
- Pump down to 2K on Monday, the 13th
- Start accelerator recovery on January 13th
- We'll bring the accelerator back to resonance + FE measurement the afternoon of the 13th
- Gun restart on Jan 14th
- New undulators installed. BBA will be done with the NC beam. Will only have beam to BSY dump until the 19th
- Studies before Jan 19th:
- Operate 2K at 37 mbar instead of 31 mbar
- Will lose a little (~10% Q)
- Do Q measurement comparison
- Test higher MV operation for multipact processed CMs
- Let Andy and Jing know about any SSA problems that need investigation over the Winter Down
- Sebastian will double-check CATERs
- Andy, Jing, Sonya will be around next week
- Fake quench issues
- Resetter seems to be missing fake quenches
- Lisa investigating
- Also possible that there are more fake quenches than in the past
- No updates on partner lab CM testing
- Meeting about CM acceptance test logistics tomorrow
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