


Discussion items



YubiKeys available!

Some events to bring your laptop and get the yubikey

We should do one of these. They are free now but we'll have to pay for them in the future

PPE Sector 7-10SebastianFull construction PPE for gallery and tunnel sector 7-10 (and undulator hall) during summer downtime


Leaving decarads where they are on the advice of Al Owens.

Move decarad 2 from 32 to 31 at some point

Cavity detuningSebastian

Unclear what the plan is on the evening of the 3rd/morning of the 4th.

Might not be running SC linac on last swing/owl shift

Lauren is looking into this

  • Update! Shift is gone from schedule. Double check with Matt about ops plan

The time is either 3rd at 6 PM or 4th at 8 AM

  • Expecting 3rd at 6 PM

Maybe check if cavity detuning GUI works? If there is an opportunity.

Detune Patch PanelSebastian

Test detune patch panel on CM33 RACKA as part of detuning

Tunnel work SDTSebastian

We have few jobs

  • Lauren has area checkouts at end of SDT
    • Also ultra sonic flow meter test
  • Nicole might add in a job for walkthroughs

Stepper Temp FaultsSebastian
  • We seem to be having increasing stepper temperature faults (intermittent)
    • We should look at if these are increasing in frequency and if certain cavities are repeat offenders
    • Lauren volunteered to look at this

AD Coffee SocialSebastian
  • Sebastian volunteered us to host the AD coffee social next week
    • Some calendar confusion
  • Nicole busy with SAGE, Ryan out
  • Sebastian will ask if we can do the 10th instead since we have multiple people out

slaclab moveLauren

slaclab moving into SLAC's Github Enterprise

Lisa expects no impact on us?

S3DF OutageSebastian

July 10 through 12

Low impact on prod?

Post-Mortem After RunLauren

Can we plan for a run post-mortem to discuss good, bad, things to change etc?

  • Yes!
  • Sebastian: High-jack an SRF-LLRF meeting for this?
    • Lauren: if more than an hour of discussion than no
    • Sebastian will schedule (after July 5th)


Ops unchecking SSA calRyan
  • I've noticed a few instances of ops unchecking SSA cal in weird situations
    • Maybe somethign to discuss at post-mortem

Action items
