


Discussion items


Time sheets
  • Submit your time sheets!
  • Sebastian has been submitting filled out time sheets that have not yet been submitted by his employee
      • Someone got pestered about this

Free food
  • Last day to register for summer lunch

Recovery/FE char
  • Was on time!
  • FE char
    • CM33: 33-7 onset FE turn on dropped slightly, but no change in SRF max
      • Previous turn on at 16 MV, now at ?? MV
    • CM01: small changes, but decarads were moved. R. Porter thinks is not significant

  • Next weeks PAMM is short. SC recovery 4 PM on Wednesday
  • PAMM jobs bucket closes Friday

PRL Noise
  • Experiencing periods of PRL/LO noise causing feedback issues and false quenches in CM26 through CM35
    • Thermal expansion issues on LO lines at certain spots (Jing)

CM22 mag
  • CM22 magnet acting up but calmed down

Cooling water
  • Some cooling water issues (cooling tower 12). It doesn't seem to impact our water supplies in a meaningful way.

LN2 Shortage
  • Issues with LN2 deliveries
    • Potential for cryoplant to run out of LN2 and need to shutdown

Drilling/welding tests
  • Drilling/welding tests in gallery
    • R. Porter didn't see any impact on cavities
      • Took 3 hour microphonics scan but did not look at yet
    • Welding test was poorly coordinated
      • Did not actually run beam down machine during welding test due to poor coordination of programs
      • Need to do the welding test again

Emergency detune
  • Some new panels to help with emergency cavity detune
  • Also need to release a proper procedure for emergency detune

  • Now have BSA data on cavities!
    • FJ has already concluded that the SC linac is much more stable than the NC linac
      • Yay!

4 GeV limit?
  • R Porter sent email note to Sayed claiming we could not possibly get a 4 GeV beam at the moment
    • We may be able to increase the beam rate provided we cannot go beyond 4 GeV

Ops projects
  • L Alsberg is looking for projects for operators over the downtime
    • Has a sheet where we can post ideas

JLab Testing
  • A. Benwell asked to send spare hardware to help with HE testing

Cryo schemes
  • Cryo is thinking of increasing the pressure in the linac to increase flow through the heat exchanger
    • Will the cryoplant work?
    • How does this impact the cavities
      • Might do a test with cavities.
      • We need to think about what will happen

Action items
