
  • Allow for custom cavity setup
  • Display all relevant diagnostics
  • Allow HW mode changes
  • Replace as many EDM screens as possible
  • Cryo signals
  • SSA errors
  • No labels


    • Cheeto and smiley plot with SEL phase offset (or an optimizer that runs automatically)
    • Allow running auto tools when in other modes (like MNT)
    • display parameters that are calculated? like Qext etc or how they changed from last time
    • Tune to something not 0 or cold landing?
    • handle rack shift with auto tune
    • gain tuning (automated and manual)
    • fault information (quench faults, list of recent faults, etc) including fault waveform display
    • check where a cavity is tuning wise (e.g. turn on in chirp and make a smart decision on if the cavity is at cold landing, resonance, or other and display that info to user)
    • with SSA troubleshooting - display the max power, previous and current values and flag if something seems off (but don't necessarily stop the user from proceeding)
    • display forward and reflected power and flag if there is a weird discrepancy
    • I think in general this expert screen should allow the user to push past steps that the computer "thinks" fail - for example continue turning a cavity on when the SSA cal fails - just flag an issue but allow the user to manually proceed