Tasks to make fermipy easier to manage
- Separate out the diffuse emission and isotropic emission models
- These currently live in a conda package
- They are generally available at SLAC via GLAST_EXT, we probably want to combine the two methods of getting them
- Split out the sub-modules
- Develop a template for a user contributed package
Template for a user contributed package
This should include, at a minimum a setup.py file, but could include a number of things such as
- Template for documentation
- Template for connection to continous intergration system such as travis or azure
- Template for connection to coverage tests, such as coveralls
- Template for connection to documentation system such as read the docs
- Template for containerization
Science Related Development Projects
- Standardized ROI analysis and control tests (fermipy.jobs module)
- Standardizes stack analysis (fermipy.stack module)
- Handling energy dependent pixel sizes for TS map creation.
- Integration of weights map creation
- Handling of all-sky maps and analysis model components (fermipy.diffuse module)
- Create of models based on source populations
- Light-curve creation