- Created by Kelly (Arrighi), Heather, last modified on Sep 14, 2016
13 Sept 2016
Requested write access to u35 and u52, cannot delete files or create directories. That has now been fixed.
9 Aug 2016
All current external libraries are now available on RHEL7.
Testing ScienceTools-11-03-00 (/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test) So far everything looks ok.
Despite looking like failure - this is probably ok. Expand source
This is test_evtbin version ScienceTools-11-03-00 Expected: failed to create a BinConfig before prototypes were loaded: BinConfig::create was unable to find a configuration for mission "GLAST", instrument "LAT" while processing file "/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/evtbin/ft1tiny.fits" Error encountered at /afs/slac.stanford.edu/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat7-x86_64-64bit-gcc48/Healpix_3.30/src/cxx/Healpix_cxx/healpix_base.cc, line 701 (function void T_Healpix_Base<I>::Set(int, Healpix_Ordering_Scheme) [with I = int]) bad order Expected: failed to create a Healpix Binner with order -1 : bad order Expected: failed to create a Healpix Binner with order 13 : Order needs to be positive and <=12 test_evtbin: WARNING: No spacecraft file: EXPOSURE keyword will be set equal to ontime. test_evtbin: WARNING: No spacecraft file: EXPOSURE keyword will be set equal to ontime.
bash-4.2$ test_dataSubselector ................. OK (17 tests)
bash-4.2$ test_Likelihood .................................. OK (34 tests)
Expand source
bash-4.2$ test_astro Quaternion tests ok Rocking test: time lat lon raz decz 0 28.6921 -91.2546 10 -10 600 22.3553 -52.5554 50.6662 57.2057 1200 7.02699 -19.3902 86.3382 41.98 1800 -10.7582 11.4266 119.662 24.3138 2400 -24.7011 45.7546 156.497 10.4643 3000 -28.379 85.1996 198.449 6.81095 3600 -19.5844 122.853 238.608 15.5467 4200 -3.18458 155.039 273.302 31.8367 4800 14.3146 -173.852 306.918 -20.7812 5400 26.5548 -138.252 345.025 -8.62301 6000 27.4515 -98.4513 27.3318 -7.73227 6600 16.4585 -62.0283 66.2617 -18.6517 7200 -0.707445 -30.5847 100.212 -35.7027 7800 -17.6299 1.09876 134.402 -52.5119 8400 -27.8576 37.9818 173.792 -62.6711 9000 -25.9426 77.7023 216.02 -60.769 9600 -13.0478 112.834 253.658 -47.9605 10200 4.58849 143.803 287.134 39.5578 10800 20.6351 176.32 322.158 55.497 11400 28.5648 -145.619 2.72531 63.3736 12000 23.903 -106.404 44.4476 58.743 12600 9.42043 -72.5152 80.8432 44.3574 13200 -8.39775 -41.7325 114.133 26.6585 13800 -23.2597 -8.16298 150.209 11.896 14400 -28.6507 30.8472 191.726 6.5411 15000 -21.3948 69.1956 232.581 13.7484 15600 -5.64161 101.981 267.874 29.3962 Reading history file /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/astro/history_test.txt Read history file test time lat lon raz decz rax decz razen deczen 2210 18.5155 122.063 218.534 -14.0025 313.233 -18.185 232.011 18.3916 2215 18.3961 122.348 218.781 -14.0952 313.492 -18.1133 232.31718.273 2220 18.2763 122.633 219.028 -14.1877 313.752 -18.0412 232.62318.154 2225 18.156 122.917 219.274 -14.2846 314.01 -17.9652 232.92818.0344 2230 18.0352 123.201 219.52 -14.3811 314.267 -17.8888 233.23317.9144 2235 17.9139 123.485 219.766 -14.4774 314.524 -17.812 233.538 17.7939 2240 17.7921 123.768 220.012 -14.5734 314.781 -17.7347 233.84217.673 2245 17.6698 124.051 220.259 -14.6691 315.038 -17.6571 234.14517.5515 2250 17.5471 124.333 220.505 -14.7645 315.295 -17.5791 234.44917.4297 2255 17.424 124.615 220.75 -14.8643 315.55 -17.4969 234.75217.3073 2260 17.3003 124.897 220.995 -14.9638 315.804 -17.4144 235.05417.1845 2265 17.1762 125.178 221.241 -15.0629 316.058 -17.3314 235.35617.0612 2270 17.0517 125.459 221.486 -15.1618 316.312 -17.248 235.658 16.9375 trying time that is not in the range... caught expected exception PointingHistory: Time out of Range!: Time (1000000) occurs 997690s after the range of times in the pointing database: (900, 2310) GPS tests OK JIRA OBS-14 252460796 2008-12-31T23:59:55.0000 252460797 2008-12-31T23:59:56.0000 252460798 2008-12-31T23:59:57.0000 252460799 2008-12-31T23:59:58.0000 252460800 2008-12-31T23:59:59.0000 252460801 2008-12-31T23:59:59.0000 252460802 2009-01-01T00:00:00.0000 252460803 2009-01-01T00:00:01.0000 252460804 2009-01-01T00:00:02.0000 252460805 2009-01-01T00:00:03.0000 EarthCoordinate: latitude at t0 = 28.6921 , longitude at t0 = 93.8012 Barycenter coords for JD: 2454101.5: (84.705662,-445.13234,-192.92216) tests ok Testing EarthCoordinate::insideSAA...Done. galactic center corresponds to Ra = 266.405 , Dec = -28.936172 HTM check OK Maximum delta for HealpixProj is 0.026767302 MET = 245000000 is 2008-10-06T15:33:19.0000 Mission start is: 2001-01-01T00:00:00.0000 JD Conversions passed! WARNING: Requested year, 2019.5664, is within six months of the end of valid range (1900-2020) for the IGRF-12 model. WARNING: Requested year, 2019.6515, is within six months of the end of valid range (1900-2020) for the IGRF-12 model. WARNING: Requested year, 2019.7365, is within six months of the end of valid range (1900-2020) for the IGRF-12 model. WARNING: Requested year, 2019.8187, is within six months of the end of valid range (1900-2020) for the IGRF-12 model. WARNING: Requested year, 2019.9038, is within six months of the end of valid range (1900-2020) for the IGRF-12 model. WARNING: Requested year, 2019.9861, is within six months of the end of valid range (1900-2020) for the IGRF-12 model.
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bash-4.2$ test_tip Expected: opening non-existent.pha threw exception: File not found: non-existent.pha Expected: opening ft1.tpl threw exception: File not in FITS or Root format: /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/ft1.tpl Expected: opening directory threw exception: File not in FITS or Root format: /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip Expected: opening extension NON_EXIS in a1.pha threw exception: Could not open FITS extension "/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha[NON_EXIS]" (CFITSIO ERROR 301: illegal HDU number) Expected: opening extension NON_EXIS in merit.root threw exception: Could not find tree NON_EXIS Expected: reading primary extension in a1.pha did not throw an exception. Expected: reading SPECTRUM extension in a1.pha did not throw an exception. Expected: editing primary extension in a1.pha did not throw an exception. Expected: editing SPECTRUM extension in a1.pha did not throw an exception. Expected: Header::formatTime formatted a time correctly * 0 * 374.327 * 0 * 1 * 1152.76 * 1 * 2 * 225.125 * 0 * 3 * 339.412 * 1 * 4 * 797.717 * 1 * 5 * 217.756 * 1 * 6 * 460.384 * 1 * 7 * 132.994 * 1 * 8 * 909.006 * 1 * 9 * 54.7509 * 1 * 10 * 377.058 * 1 * 11 * 327.884 * 1 * 12 * 855.155 * 1 * 13 * 68.1083 * 1 * 14 * 128.223 * 1 * 15 * 175.144 * 1 * 16 * 378.895 * 1 * 17 * 66.3761 * 1 * 18 * 497.059 * 1 * 19 * 372.792 * 1 * 20 * 138.826 * 1 * 21 * 979.498 * 1 * 22 * 1098.58 * 1 * 23 * 122.555 * 1 * 24 * 78.7233 * 1 * 25 * 55.0019 * 1 * 26 * 484.899 * 1 * 27 * 60.0689 * 1 * 28 * 212.061 * 1 * 29 * 1121.37 * 1 * 30 * 67.4642 * 1 * 31 * 1120.15 * 1 * 32 * 864.572 * 1 * 33 * 725.815 * 1 * 34 * 57.3049 * 1 * 35 * 58.5294 * 1 * 36 * 105.422 * 1 * 37 * 131.474 * 1 * 38 * 441.024 * 1 * 39 * 744.842 * 1 * 40 * 424.88 * 1 * 41 * 439.898 * 1 * 42 * 257.545 * 1 * 43 * 631.428 * 1 * 44 * 307.979 * 1 * 45 * 916.037 * 1 * 46 * 445.65 * 1 * 47 * 105.197 * 1 * 48 * 860.607 * 1 * 49 * 636.989 * 1 * 50 * 58.5365 * 1 * 51 * 272.887 * 1 * 52 * 148.361 * 1 * 53 * 62.2127 * 1 * 54 * 59.9663 * 1 * 55 * 51.2032 * 1 * 56 * 76.1884 * 1 * 57 * 459.034 * 1 * 58 * 67.8209 * 1 * 59 * 50.4061 * 1 * 60 * 502.071 * 1 * 61 * 717.14 * 1 * 62 * 1923.83 * 1 * 63 * 957.37 * 1 Expected: writing a comment string to a newly created header succeeded Expected: writing a history string to a newly created header succeeded Expected behavior: failure creating FitsTable with blank file name and blank extension name what() == Could not open FITS extension "" (CFITSIO ERROR 104: could not open the named file) Expected behavior: failure creating FitsTable with blank file name and non-blank extension name what() == Could not open FITS extension "[/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha]" (CFITSIO ERROR 104: could not open the named file) Expected behavior: failure creating FitsTable with a non-existent file name and blank extension name what() == Could not open FITS extension "non-existent-file.fits" (CFITSIO ERROR 104: could not open the named file) Expected behavior: failure creating FitsTable with a non-existent file name and valid extension name what() == Could not open FITS extension "non-existent-file.fits[SPECTRUM]" (CFITSIO ERROR 104: could not open the named file) Expected behavior: failure creating FitsTable with an existent file and non-existent extension name what() == Could not open FITS extension "/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha[NON_EXISTENT]" (CFITSIO ERROR 301: illegal HDU number) Expected behavior: success creating FitsImage with valid file name and valid extension name Expected behavior: success creating FitsTable with valid file name and valid extension name Expected behavior: failure reading unnamed keyword from a const table object what() == Cannot read keyword "" in extension "SPECTRUM" in file "/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha" (CFITSIO ERROR 202: keyword not found in header) Expected behavior: failure reading non-existent keyword from a const table object what() == Cannot read keyword "fake_kwd" in extension "SPECTRUM" in file "/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha" (CFITSIO ERROR 202: keyword not found in header) Expected behavior: failure calling getFieldIndex("fake_fld") from a const table object what() == Could not get field index for field fake_fld in extension "SPECTRUM" in file "/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha" Expected behavior: failure calling getNumElements(-1) from a const table object what() == FitsTable::getColumn const called with invalid index in extension "SPECTRUM" in file "/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha" Expected behavior: failure reading a table cell from a const table object what() == FitsTable::getColumn const called with invalid index in extension "SPECTRUM" in file "/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha" Expected behavior: success calling getKeyword("src_thet") from a const table object Expected behavior: success calling Keyword::getComment from a const table object Expected behavior: success calling Keyword::getUnit from a const table object Expected behavior: success calling Keyword::setUnit for a table object Expected behavior: success calling Keyword::getUnit from a const table object Expected behavior: success calling Keyword::setComment for a table object Expected behavior: after inserting TESTKEY, keyword 44 had expected value "QUALITY = 0 / All values are good" Expected behavior: after inserting TESTKEY, keyword 45 had expected value "TESTKEY = 'Test keyword value'" Expected behavior: after inserting TESTKEY, keyword 46 had expected value "CZT_SN = 0 / S/N of CZT Bd [1-999]" Expected behavior: after appending ENDKEY, last keyword in header had expected value "ENDKEY = 'Test end keyword value'" Expected behavior: getFieldIndex("channel") succeeded for const table object Expected behavior: getNumRecords() succeeded for const table object Expected behavior: getNumElements("0") succeeded for const table object Expected behavior: number of elements is 1, and IColumn::isScalar() returned true Expected behavior: getColumn(0)->get(ii, tmp_dv) succeeded for all 128 records in const table object Error in <TFile::TFile>: file name is not specified Expected behavior: failure creating RootTable with blank file name and blank extension name what() == Could not open ROOT file Error in <TFile::TFile>: file name is not specified Expected behavior: failure creating RootTable with blank file name and non-blank extension name what() == Could not open ROOT file Error in <TFile::TFile>: file non-existent-file.fits does not exist Expected behavior: failure creating RootTable with a non-existent file name and blank extension name what() == Could not open ROOT file non-existent-file.fits Error in <TFile::TFile>: file non-existent-file.fits does not exist Expected behavior: failure creating RootTable with a non-existent file name and valid extension name what() == Could not open ROOT file non-existent-file.fits Expected behavior: failure creating RootTable with an existent file and non-existent extension name what() == Could not find tree NON_EXISTENT Expected behavior: success creating RootTable with valid file name and valid extension name Expected behavior: failure reading unnamed keyword from a const table object what() == Header method getKeyword(const std::string &, double &) const is not supported for the Root implementation Expected behavior: failure reading non-existent keyword from a const table object what() == Header method getKeyword(const std::string &, double &) const is not supported for the Root implementation Expected behavior: failure calling getFieldIndex("fake_fld") from a const table object what() == leaf fake_fld was not found in extension 1 in file /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/merit.root Expected behavior: failure calling getNumElements(-1) from a const table object what() == RootTable::getColumn const was passed invalid index in extension 1 in file /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/merit.root Expected behavior: failure reading a table cell from a const table object what() == RootTable::getColumn const was passed invalid index in extension 1 in file /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/merit.root Expected behavior: getFieldIndex("McEnergy") succeeded for const table object Expected behavior: getNumRecords() succeeded for const table object Expected behavior: getNumElements("0") succeeded for const table object Expected behavior: number of elements is 1, and IColumn::isScalar() returned true Expected behavior: getColumn(0)->get(ii, tmp_dv) succeeded for all 128 records in const table object Expected behavior: attempt to open extension SPECTRUM in write-protected file /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha succeeded Expected behavior: attempt to write keyword in a non-const object whose file cannot be written to failed what() == Cannot write keyword "telescop"; object is not writable in extension "SPECTRUM" in file "/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha" Expected behavior: attempt to resize a non-const table object whose file cannot be written to failed what() == setNumRecords called, but object is not writable in extension "SPECTRUM" in file "/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha" Expected behavior: attempt to write a value in a cell of a non-const table object whose file cannot be written to failed what() == FitsColumn::setScalar called for a read-only file Expected behavior: attempt to open read-only extension SPECTRUM in a writable file /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha succeeded Expected behavior: attempt to write keyword in a non-const object whose file cannot be written to failed what() == Cannot write keyword "telescop"; object is not writable in extension "SPECTRUM" in file "/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha" Expected behavior: attempt to resize a non-const table object whose file cannot be written to failed what() == setNumRecords called, but object is not writable in extension "SPECTRUM" in file "/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha" Expected behavior: attempt to write a value in a cell of a non-const table object whose file cannot be written to failed what() == FitsColumn::setScalar called for a read-only file Expected behavior: attempt to open writable extension SPECTRUM in file /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha succeeded Expected behavior: attempt to confirm vector field is not considered a scalar succeeded Expected behavior: attempt to change number of elements in a fixed width field succeeded Expected behavior: attempt to confirm change to number of elements in a field succeeded Expected behavior: attempt to confirm that a field which used to be a vector is now a scalar succeeded Expected behavior: TestExtensionData::testCopy: using copyCell to copy cells from input to output ITabularData succeeded. Expected behavior: TestExtensionData::testKeywordItor successfully tested keyword sequence iterator. Expected behavior: TestExtensionData::testKeywordItor after erasing keyword using iterator there is one fewer keyword Expected behavior: TestExtensionData::testKeywordItor after erasing keyword using iterator final keyword is different Expected behavior: TestExtensionData::testKeywordItor after appending keyword using iterator there is one more keyword Expected behavior: TestExtensionData::testKeywordItor after erasing keyword using key name, found expected number of keywords Expected behavior: TestExtensionData::testKeywordItor after erasing keyword using key name final keyword is different Expected behavior: TestExtensionData::testKeywordItor: non-const find found keyword HV_BIAS Expected behavior: TestExtensionData::testKeywordItor: non-const find did not find non-existent keyword NON_EXIS Expected behavior: TestExtensionData::testKeywordItor: const find found keyword HV_BIAS Expected behavior: TestExtensionData::testKeywordItor: const find did not find non-existent keyword NON_EXIS Expected behavior: opening SPECTRUM extension of /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha succeeded Expected behavior: opening TTree "1" extension of /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/merit.root succeeded Expected behavior: opening TTree "pointing_history" extension of /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/FT2.root succeeded Expected behavior: getting field container from FITS table succeeded Expected behavior: getting field container from Root table succeeded Expected behavior: getting scalar-valued "chaNNel" cell into a local vector variable failed what() == FitsColumn::getVector was called but field is not a vector Expected behavior: testing reading FITS table succeeded Expected behavior: writing scalar-valued "chaNNel" cell from a local vector variable failed what() == FitsColumn::setVector called but field is not a vector Expected behavior: testing writing FITS table succeeded Expected behavior: getting scalar-valued "chaNNel" cell into a local vector variable failed what() == FitsColumn::getVector was called but field is not a vector Expected behavior: testing reading FITS table values which were just written succeeded Expected behavior: writing scalar-valued "chaNNel" cell from a local vector variable failed what() == FitsColumn::setVector called but field is not a vector Expected behavior: testing restoring FITS table to its original state succeeded Expected behavior: getting scalar-valued "chaNNel" cell into a local vector variable failed what() == FitsColumn::getVector was called but field is not a vector Expected behavior: testing reading restored values succeeded Expected behavior: getting scalar-valued "McEnergy" cell into a local vector variable failed what() == RootColumn::get(Index_t, double &): Cannot convert scalar to vector Expected behavior: reading McEnergy field from Root table succeeded Expected behavior: Reading McEnergy field in FT2.root as a float succeeded Expected behavior: Reading McEnergy field in FT2.root as a int succeeded Expected behavior: Reading McEnergy field in FT2.root as a uint succeeded Expected behavior: Reading McEnergy field in FT2.root as a long succeeded Expected behavior: Reading McEnergy field in FT2.root as a ulong succeeded Expected behavior: getting vector-valued "cOUnts" cell into a local scalar variable failed what() == FitsColumn::getScalar was called but field is not a scalar Expected behavior: setting vector-valued "cOUnts" cell from a local scalar variable failed what() == FitsColumn::setScalar called but field is not a scalar Expected behavior: getting vector-valued "cOUnts" cell as a vector<string> variable succeeded Expected behavior: appending field to Root table failed what() == Adding fields to a Root table is not supported Expected behavior: appending field to FITS table succeeded Expected behavior: appending vector bool field to FITS table succeeded Expected behavior: appending vector short field to FITS table succeeded Expected behavior: appending string field to FITS table succeeded Expected behavior: appending field which already exists to FITS table failed what() == Cannot add field new_Chan because field NEW_chan already exists in extension "SPECTRUM" in file "/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha" Expected behavior: copyFieldTest() succeeded copying one table's fields to another using Cell::operator = Expected behavior: copyFieldTest() succeeded copying one table's fields to another using Record::operator = Expected behavior: copyFieldTest() failed to copy a cell to a Root file what() == Copying cells to a Root table is not supported Expected behavior: copyFieldTest() failed to copy a record to a Root file what() == Copying records to a Root table is not supported Expected behavior: TestTable::singleFieldBugTest had no problem editing a table containing a single column Expected behavior: TestTable::unsignedIntTest reading and writing unsigned int is consistent. Expected behavior: TestTable::unsignedIntTest: SHORT column format read agrees with the format used to create column Expected behavior: TestTable::unsignedIntTest: USHORT column format read agrees with the format used to create column Expected behavior: TestTable::unsignedIntTest: UINT column format read agrees with the format used to create column Expected behavior: TestTable::unsignedIntTest: INT column format read agrees with the format used to create column Expected behavior: TestTable::unsignedIntTest: FLOAT column format read agrees with the format used to create column Expected behavior: TestTable::unsignedIntTest: SCALED column format read agrees with the format used to create column Expected behavior: Reading sc_position field in FT2.root as a scalar failed what() == RootColumn::get(Index_t, double &): Cannot convert vector to scalar Expected behavior: sc_position from FT2.root had expected values Expected behavior: Reading sc_position field in FT2.root as a vector<float> succeeded Expected behavior: Reading sc_position field in FT2.root as a vector<int> succeeded Expected behavior: Reading sc_position field in FT2.root as a vector<uint> succeeded Expected behavior: Reading sc_position field in FT2.root as a vector<long> succeeded Expected behavior: Reading sc_position field in FT2.root as a vector<ulong> succeeded WARNING: Tip was compiled without "long long" indexing; skipping large file test Expected behavior: creating file in an invalid location /invalid/directory/file failed what() == Unable to create file named "!/invalid/directory/file" (CFITSIO ERROR 105: couldn't create the named file) Expected behavior: creating file IFileSvc_error.fits using a non-existent template /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/non_existent.tpl failed what() == Unable to create file named "!IFileSvc_error.fits(/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/non_existent.tpl)" (CFITSIO ERROR 366: file open failed (parser)) Expected behavior: creating file IFileSvc_success.fits using template /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/ft1.tpl succeeded Expected behavior: creating file IFileSvc_success.fits using template /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/ft1.tpl succeeded Expected behavior: creating file new.fits using no template succeeded Expected behavior: re-creating file IFileSvc_success.fits with clobber false using template /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/ft1.tpl failed what() == Unable to create file named "IFileSvc_success.fits(/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/ft1.tpl)" (CFITSIO ERROR 105: couldn't create the named file) Expected behavior: re-creating file IFileSvc_success.fits with clobber false without template failed what() == Unable to create file named "IFileSvc_no_template.fits" (CFITSIO ERROR 105: couldn't create the named file) Expected behavior: TestFileManager::editExtensionTest opening read-write extension SPECTRUM of file /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha succeeded Expected behavior: TestFileManager::readExtensionTest opening read-only extension SPECTRUM of file /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha succeeded Expected behavior: TestFileManager::readTableTest opening read-only extension SPECTRUM of file /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha succeeded Expected behavior: with filtering expression, number of records in table is 50, as expected Expected behavior: IFileSvc::fileExists found file /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha Expected behavior: IFileSvc::fileExists did not find file /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/non_existent.pha Expected behavior: FitsFileManager::isValid correctly recognized FITS file /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha Expected behavior: FitsFileManager::isValid correctly failed to recognize file /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/non_existent.pha Expected behavior: FitsFileManager::isValid correctly failed to recognize file /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/merit.root Expected behavior: RootTable::isValid correctly recognized Root file /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/merit.root Expected behavior: RootTable::isValid correctly failed to recognize file /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/non_existent.pha Expected behavior: RootTable::isValid correctly failed to recognize file /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha Expected behavior: IFileSvc::updateKeywords worked correctly Expected behavior: TestFileManager::tipFileTest was able to construct and clone ITipFiles Expected behavior: TestFileManager::tipFileTest copyFile threw exception when copying over an existing file with clobber false. what() == FitsTipFile::copyFile could not create file tipfile-copy.fits (CFITSIO ERROR 105: couldn't create the named file) Expected behavior: TestFileManager::tipFileTest was able to use an ITipFile to copy a file on disk as expected -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 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-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Expected behavior: TestImage::test did not encounter exception while copying an image pixel by pixel Expected behavior: TestImage::test did not encounter exception while copying a whole image at one time Expected behavior: TestImage::test did not encounter exception while extracting a slice of an image and writing it to a new image Expected behavior: TestImage::test did not encounter exception while changing a slice of an image Expected behavior: TestImage::test did not encounter exception while copying an image a row at a time Expected behavior: TestImage::test was able to create a file and append an image to it without a template Expected behavior: creating data file summary succeeded Expected behavior: iterating over data file summary succeeded Expected behavior: TestColumn::test(): ENERGY_LO has units of MeV Expected behavior: TestColumn::test(): first row of EA_ALL::ENERGY_LO has null values at the outset Expected behavior: TestColumn::test(): first row of EA_ALL::ENERGY_LO has 36 elements at the outset Expected behavior: Before setting values, null values found in first row of EA_ALL::ENERGY_LO, elements #1 and #3 (#2 & #4 in FITS/FV) Expected behavior: TestColumn::test(): first row of EA_ALL::ENERGY_LO has null values after being set Expected behavior: TestColumn::test(): first row of EA_ALL::ENERGY_LO has 5 elements after being set Expected behavior: Null values found in first row of EA_ALL::ENERGY_LO, elements #1 and #3 (#2 & #4 in FITS/FV) Expected behavior: TestColumn::test() was able to write a numeric string to a double column Expected behavior: TestColumn::test() was not able to write a non-numeric string to a double column what() == FitsColumn::set(Index_t, const std::string &) could not convert string "not num" to double Expected behavior: TestColumn::test(): getColumnKeyword("TUNIT") returned MeV Expected behavior: TestColumn::test() was not able to read/write null value in a double column what() == FitsColumn::set(Index_t, const std::string &) could not convert string "INDEF" to double Expected behavior: TestColumn::test() wrote/read equivalent 32X values. One more time, just for kicks! Expected behavior: TestColumn::test() wrote/read equivalent 32X values, for the second time. Writing 0 to double check NULL functionality. Expected behavior: TestColumn::test() wrote/read equivalent 32X values, for the third time. Expected behavior: TestColumn::test() properly copied a 32X table. Expected behavior: TestColumn::test() read expected value in row 0. Expected behavior: TestColumn::test() read expected value in row 1. Expected behavior: TestColumn::test() read expected value in row 2. Expected behavior: interpolating non-existent field failed what() == Could not get field index for field time in extension "SPECTRUM" in file "/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha" Expected behavior: interpolating channel field before first value failed what() == LinearInterp::interpolate() called for a value before the first value in range Expected behavior: interpolating channel field after last value failed what() == LinearInterp::interpolate() called for a value after the last value in range Expected behavior: interpolating channel field with value == first value returned value == first value Expected behavior: interpolating counts field with value == first value returned value == first value Expected behavior: interpolating channel field for 77.333 computed proper value Expected behavior: interpolating channel field for 77.333 computed proper value Expected behavior: setting key record did not fail Expected behavior: key record read had name BOZO. Expected behavior: key record read matched key record written Expected behavior: assignment of string to string key record worked Expected behavior: assignment of boolean to string key record worked Expected behavior: assignment of short string, long comment to key record worked Expected behavior: assignment of medium string, long comment to key record worked Expected behavior: assignment of long string, long comment to key record worked Expected behavior: assignment of short string, short comment to key record worked Expected behavior: assignment of medium string, short comment to key record worked Expected behavior: assignment of long string, short comment to key record worked Expected behavior: assignment of number to numeric key record worked Expected behavior: assignment of boolean to numeric key record worked Expected behavior: assignment of string to numeric key record threw exception what() == KeyRecord::setValue attempted to assign a string to a numeric key record Expected behavior: assignment of number to blank key record worked Expected behavior: assignment of string to blank key record worked Expected behavior: assignment of boolean to blank key record worked Expected behavior: assignment of primitive bool to blank key record worked Expected behavior: assignment of primitive bool to numeric key record worked Expected behavior: assignment of primitive bool to string key record worked Expected behavior: creation of boolean key record from name, value, comment worked Expected behavior: KeyRecordTest::test: getValue returned expected string Expected behavior: KeyRecordTest::test: getValue(bool&) returned expected value Expected behavior: KeyRecordTest::test: getValue(double&) returned expected value Expected behavior: KeyRecord::getName behaved as expected. Expected behavior: KeyRecord::getValue behaved as expected. Expected behavior: KeyRecord::getComment behaved as expected. Expected behavior: after applying filter "channel>=32 && channel<64", TestFilter::test found there were 32 records Expected behavior: after applying filter "", TestFilter::test found there were 32 records Expected behavior: in TestFilter::test, applying filter "invalid=7." generated exception what() == filterRows had an error applying the filtering expression invalid=7. in extension "SPECTRUM" in file "/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/data/tip/a1.pha" (CFITSIO ERROR 202: keyword not found in header) Expected behavior: TestException::test: non-fitsio exception, no status argument gave correct text Expected behavior: TestException::test: non-fitsio exception, non-zero status argument gave correct text Expected behavior: TestException::test: non-fitsio exception, zero status argument gave correct text Expected behavior: TestException::test: fitsio exception, 104 status argument (CFITSIO ERROR 104: could not open the named file) gave correct text
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bash-4.2$ test_st_facilities ....... OK (7 tests)
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bash-4.2$ test_sane time -p gtobssim infile=xmlFiles.txt srclist=source_names.txt scfile=none sctable="SC_DATA" evroot="test" evtable="EVENTS" simtime=86400.0 ltfrac=0.9 tstart=86400.0 nevents=no maxtime=315500000.0 startdate="2001-01-01 00:00:00" offset=0 rockangle="INDEF" use_ac=yes ra=90.0 dec=20.0 radius=30.0 emin=100.0 emax=300000.0 edisp=yes irfs="DC1A" evtype="none" area=1.0 maxrows=1000000 seed=479153 chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" added source "anticenter-32mev" added source "Galactic_diffuse" Generating events for a simulation time of 86400 seconds.... Done. real 52.48 user 46.53 sys 0.18 time -p gtmktime scfile=orbSim_scData_0000.fits sctable="SC_DATA" filter="IN_SAA!=T" roicut=yes evfile=test_events_0000.fits evtable="EVENTS" outfile="test_events.fits" apply_filter=yes overwrite=no header_obstimes=yes tstart=0.0 tstop=0.0 gtifile="default" chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" DSS keywords required for ROI-based zenith angle cut are not present in the FT1 file. real 1.36 user 0.15 sys 0.06 time -p gtvcut infile=test_events.fits table="EVENTS" suppress_gtis=yes chatter=2 debug=no gui=no mode="ql" DSTYP1: ENERGY DSUNI1: MeV DSVAL1: 100:300000 DSTYP2: POS(RA,DEC) DSUNI2: deg DSVAL2: CIRCLE(90,20,30) DSTYP3: TIME DSUNI3: s DSVAL3: TABLE DSREF3: :GTI GTIs: (suppressed) real 0.72 user 0.11 sys 0.04 time -p gtselect infile=test_events.fits outfile=filtered_events_0000.fits ra=90.0 dec=20.0 rad=20.0 tmin=0.0 tmax=0.0 emin=32.0 emax=200000.0 zmin=0.0 zmax=180.0 evclass="INDEF" evtype="INDEF" convtype=-1 phasemin=0.0 phasemax=1.0 evtable="EVENTS" chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" Done. real 1.03 user 0.16 sys 0.05 time -p gtvcut infile=filtered_events_0000.fits table="EVENTS" suppress_gtis=yes chatter=2 debug=no gui=no mode="ql" DSTYP1: POS(RA,DEC) DSUNI1: deg DSVAL1: CIRCLE(90,20,20) DSTYP2: TIME DSUNI2: s DSVAL2: TABLE DSREF2: :GTI GTIs: (suppressed) DSTYP3: ENERGY DSUNI3: MeV DSVAL3: 100:200000 real 0.61 user 0.12 sys 0.04 time -p gtselect infile=test_events.fits outfile=filtered1.fits ra=90.0 dec=20.0 rad=20.0 tmin=86400.0 tmax=129600.0 emin=30.0 emax=300000.0 zmin=0.0 zmax=180.0 evclass="INDEF" evtype="INDEF" convtype=-1 phasemin=0.0 phasemax=1.0 evtable="EVENTS" chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" Done. real 1.01 user 0.17 sys 0.05 time -p gtvcut infile=filtered1.fits table="EVENTS" suppress_gtis=yes chatter=2 debug=no gui=no mode="ql" DSTYP1: POS(RA,DEC) DSUNI1: deg DSVAL1: CIRCLE(90,20,20) DSTYP2: TIME DSUNI2: s DSVAL2: TABLE DSREF2: :GTI GTIs: (suppressed) DSTYP3: ENERGY DSUNI3: MeV DSVAL3: 100:300000 real 0.61 user 0.12 sys 0.03 time -p gtltcube evfile="filtered1.fits" evtable="EVENTS" scfile=orbSim_scData_0000.fits sctable="SC_DATA" outfile=expcube1.fits dcostheta=0.05 binsz=1.0 phibins=0 tmin=0.0 tmax=0.0 file_version="1" zmin=0.0 zmax=180.0 chatter=4 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" This is gtltcube version ScienceTools-11-03-00 applying filter: (START >= 86340) && (STOP <= 129450) Working on file orbSim_scData_0000.fits read 1435 rows .....................! real 10.66 user 8.58 sys 0.77 time -p gtselect infile=test_events.fits outfile=filtered2.fits ra=90.0 dec=20.0 rad=20.0 tmin=129600.0 tmax=172800.0 emin=30.0 emax=300000.0 zmin=0.0 zmax=180.0 evclass="INDEF" evtype="INDEF" convtype=-1 phasemin=0.0 phasemax=1.0 evtable="EVENTS" chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" Done. real 0.98 user 0.16 sys 0.05 time -p gtvcut infile=filtered2.fits table="EVENTS" suppress_gtis=yes chatter=2 debug=no gui=no mode="ql" DSTYP1: POS(RA,DEC) DSUNI1: deg DSVAL1: CIRCLE(90,20,20) DSTYP2: TIME DSUNI2: s DSVAL2: TABLE DSREF2: :GTI GTIs: (suppressed) DSTYP3: ENERGY DSUNI3: MeV DSVAL3: 100:300000 real 0.59 user 0.11 sys 0.03 time -p gtltcube evfile="filtered2.fits" evtable="EVENTS" scfile=orbSim_scData_0000.fits sctable="SC_DATA" outfile=expcube2.fits dcostheta=0.05 binsz=1.0 phibins=0 tmin=0.0 tmax=0.0 file_version="1" zmin=0.0 zmax=180.0 chatter=4 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" This is gtltcube version ScienceTools-11-03-00 applying filter: (START >= 130590) && (STOP <= 172860) Working on file orbSim_scData_0000.fits read 1408 rows .....................! real 10.41 user 8.52 sys 0.76 time -p gtltsum infile1=expcube1.fits infile2=expcube2.fits table="Exposure" table2="WEIGHTED_EXPOSURE" outfile=expcube_1_day.fits chatter=4 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" This is gtltsum version ScienceTools-11-03-00 real 1.90 user 0.55 sys 0.53 time -p gtexpmap evfile=filtered_events_0000.fits evtable="EVENTS" scfile=orbSim_scData_0000.fits sctable="SC_DATA" expcube=expcube_1_day.fits outfile=expMap.fits irfs="DC1A" evtype="INDEF" srcrad=30.0 nlong=120 nlat=120 nenergies=20 submap=no nlongmin=0 nlongmax=0 nlatmin=0 nlatmax=0 chatter=4 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" This is gtexpmap version ScienceTools-11-03-00 The exposure maps generated by this tool are meant to be used for *unbinned* likelihood analysis only. Do not use them for binned analyses. ResponseFunctions::load: IRF used: DC1A event_types: 0 1 Computing the ExposureMap using expcube_1_day.fits ....................! real 57.30 user 56.26 sys 0.17 time -p gtvcut infile=expMap.fits table="PRIMARY" suppress_gtis=yes chatter=2 debug=no gui=no mode="ql" DSTYP1: POS(RA,DEC) DSUNI1: deg DSVAL1: CIRCLE(90,20,20) DSTYP2: ENERGY DSUNI2: MeV DSVAL2: 100:200000 DSTYP3: TIME DSUNI3: s DSVAL3: TABLE DSREF3: :GTI GTIs: (suppressed) DSTYP4: IRF_VERSION DSUNI4: DIMENSIONLESS DSVAL4: DC1A real 0.61 user 0.11 sys 0.04 time -p gtdiffrsp evfile=filtered_events_0000.fits evtable="EVENTS" scfile=orbSim_scData_0000.fits sctable="SC_DATA" srcmdl=/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/sane/data/srcModel_egretdiffuse.xml irfs="DC1A" evclsmin=0 evclass="INDEF" evtype="INDEF" convert=no chatter=4 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" This is gtdiffrsp version ScienceTools-11-03-00 ResponseFunctions::load: IRF used: DC1A event_types: 0 1 Creating source named EGRET Diffuse MapBase::readFitsFile: creating WcsMap2 object Creating source named Crab Creating source named PKS 0528+134 Creating source named Geminga adding source EGRET Diffuse Working on... filtered_events_0000.fitsEventContainer::getEvents: Out of 3500 events in file filtered_events_0000.fits, 3500 were accepted, and 0 were rejected. ....................! real 234.80 user 233.63 sys 0.10 time -p gtvcut infile=filtered_events_0000.fits table="EVENTS" suppress_gtis=yes chatter=2 debug=no gui=no mode="ql" DSTYP1: POS(RA,DEC) DSUNI1: deg DSVAL1: CIRCLE(90,20,20) DSTYP2: TIME DSUNI2: s DSVAL2: TABLE DSREF2: :GTI GTIs: (suppressed) DSTYP3: ENERGY DSUNI3: MeV DSVAL3: 100:200000 real 0.60 user 0.12 sys 0.03 time -p gtlike irfs="DC1A" expcube=expcube_1_day.fits srcmdl=/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/sane/data/srcModel_egretdiffuse.xml sfile=none check_fit=yes results=results.dat specfile=counts_spectra.fits statistic="UNBINNED" optimizer="MINUIT" ftol=0.0001 toltype="ABS" tsmin=no save=yes refit=no evfile=filtered_events_0000.fits evtable="EVENTS" scfile=orbSim_scData_0000.fits sctable="SC_DATA" expmap=expMap.fits plot=no cmap=none bexpmap=none wmap=none psfcorr=yes phased_expmap=none chatter=3 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" This is gtlike version ScienceTools-11-03-00 ResponseFunctions::load: IRF used: DC1A event_types: 0 1 EventContainer::getEvents: Out of 3500 events in file filtered_events_0000.fits, 3500 were accepted, and 0 were rejected. Creating source named EGRET Diffuse Creating source named Crab Creating source named PKS 0528+134 Creating source named Geminga ....................! ********** ** 1 **SET PRINT 1.000 ********** ********** ** 2 **SET NOWARN ********** PARAMETER DEFINITIONS: NO. NAME VALUE STEP SIZE LIMITS 1 'Integral ' 1.0000 1.0000 .10000E-04 1000.0 2 'Index ' -2.0000 1.0000 -5.0000 -1.0000 3 'Prefactor ' 11.000 1.0000 .10000E-02 1000.0 4 'Integral ' 1.0000 1.0000 .10000E-04 1000.0 5 'Index ' -2.0000 1.0000 -5.0000 -1.0000 6 'Integral ' 1.0000 1.0000 .10000E-04 1000.0 7 'Index ' -2.0000 1.0000 -5.0000 -1.0000 ********** ** 3 **SET ERR .5000 ********** ********** ** 4 **SET GRAD 1.000 ********** ********** ** 5 **MINIMIZE 1500. .2000 ********** FIRST CALL TO USER FUNCTION AT NEW START POINT, WITH IFLAG=4. START MIGRAD MINIMIZATION. STRATEGY 1. CONVERGENCE WHEN EDM .LT. .20E-03 FCN= 32812.48 FROM MIGRAD STATUS=INITIATE 1 CALLS 2 TOTAL EDM= unknown STRATEGY= 1 NO ERROR MATRIX EXT PARAMETER CURRENT GUESS STEP FIRST NO. NAME VALUE ERROR SIZE DERIVATIVE 1 Integral 1.00000 1.0000 .43760E-01 -1781.5 2 Index -2.0000 1.0000 .78442 -241.58 3 Prefactor 11.000 1.0000 .95978E-02 -4574.3 4 Integral 1.00000 1.0000 .43760E-01 -4885.3 5 Index -2.0000 1.0000 .78442 -844.89 6 Integral 1.00000 1.0000 .43760E-01 -559.93 7 Index -2.0000 1.0000 .78442 -45.940 ERR DEF= .500 MIGRAD MINIMIZATION HAS CONVERGED. MIGRAD WILL VERIFY CONVERGENCE AND ERROR MATRIX. FCN= 32156.41 FROM MIGRAD STATUS=CONVERGED 161 CALLS 162 TOTAL EDM= .28E-05 STRATEGY= 1 ERR MATRIX NOT POS-DEF EXT PARAMETER APPROXIMATE STEP FIRST NO. NAME VALUE ERROR SIZE DERIVATIVE 1 Integral 12.155 15.229 .37110E-01 .19677E-01 2 Index -2.0840 .52073 .78442E-01 .12582E-01 3 Prefactor 11.100 .26082 .84096E-02 .24172 4 Integral 11.390 .81855 .24345E-01 -.58289E-01 5 Index -1.7038 .27825E-01 .57956E-01 .54878E-01 6 Integral 10.813 4.0665 .43760E-01 .20105E-01 7 Index -2.5288 .17312 .14234 -.91183E-02 ERR DEF= .500 EXTERNAL ERROR MATRIX. NDIM= 100 NPAR= 7 ERR DEF= .500 .233E+03 -.806E+01 -.244E+01 .329E+00 -.538E-03 .143E+02 .471E+00 -.806E+01 .279E+00 .835E-01 -.112E-01 .197E-04 -.493E+00 -.162E-01 -.244E+01 .835E-01 .680E-01 -.186E-01 -.155E-03 -.721E-01 -.302E-02 .329E+00 -.112E-01 -.186E-01 .670E+00 .155E-01 .524E-02 .350E-03 -.538E-03 .197E-04 -.155E-03 .155E-01 .774E-03 -.766E-04 -.612E-06 .143E+02 -.493E+00 -.721E-01 .524E-02 -.766E-04 .165E+02 .656E+00 .471E+00 -.162E-01 -.302E-02 .350E-03 -.612E-06 .656E+00 .301E-01 ERR MATRIX NOT POS-DEF PARAMETER CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS NO. GLOBAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 .99812 1.000 -.998 -.611 .026 -.001 .230 .178 2 .99810 -.998 1.000 .606 -.026 .001 -.229 -.177 3 .62795 -.611 .606 1.000 -.087 -.021 -.068 -.067 4 .68679 .026 -.026 -.087 1.000 .683 .002 .002 5 .68367 -.001 .001 -.021 .683 1.000 -.001 .000 6 .93314 .230 -.229 -.068 .002 -.001 1.000 .930 7 .93116 .178 -.177 -.067 .002 .000 .930 1.000 ERR MATRIX NOT POS-DEF Final values: Integral = 12.155 Index = -2.08405 Prefactor = 11.0996 Integral = 11.3898 Index = -1.70379 Integral = 10.8132 Index = -2.52883 ********** ** 6 **HESSE ********** COVARIANCE MATRIX CALCULATED SUCCESSFULLY FCN= 32156.41 FROM HESSE STATUS=OK 50 CALLS 212 TOTAL EDM= .14E-05 STRATEGY= 1 ERROR MATRIX ACCURATE EXT PARAMETER INTERNAL INTERNAL NO. NAME VALUE ERROR STEP SIZE VALUE 1 Integral 12.155 2.2395 .16407E-03 -1.3498 2 Index -2.0840 .77225E-01 .35170E-03 6.7589 3 Prefactor 11.100 .23162 .37161E-04 -1.3597 4 Integral 11.390 1.1859 .10754E-03 -1.3569 5 Index -1.7038 .40110E-01 .25571E-03 15.003 6 Integral 10.813 4.1094 .27118E-03 -1.7791 7 Index -2.5288 .17933 .62369E-03 -6.0454 ERR DEF= .500 EXTERNAL ERROR MATRIX. NDIM= 100 NPAR= 7 ERR DEF= .500 .502E+01 -.153E+00 -.800E-01 .370E-01 .710E-03 .330E+00 .114E-01 -.153E+00 .597E-02 .161E-02 -.639E-03 -.114E-04 -.933E-02 -.323E-03 -.800E-01 .161E-02 .536E-01 -.401E-01 -.864E-03 .902E-01 .184E-02 .370E-01 -.639E-03 -.401E-01 .141E+01 .396E-01 -.376E-01 -.476E-03 .710E-03 -.114E-04 -.864E-03 .396E-01 .161E-02 -.673E-03 -.556E-05 .330E+00 -.933E-02 .902E-01 -.376E-01 -.673E-03 .169E+02 .679E+00 .114E-01 -.323E-03 .184E-02 -.476E-03 -.556E-05 .679E+00 .322E-01 PARAMETER CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS NO. GLOBAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 .88885 1.000 -.885 -.154 .014 .008 .036 .028 2 .88674 -.885 1.000 .090 -.007 -.004 -.029 -.023 3 .28028 -.154 .090 1.000 -.146 -.093 .095 .044 4 .83532 .014 -.007 -.146 1.000 .832 -.008 -.002 5 .83295 .008 -.004 -.093 .832 1.000 -.004 -.001 6 .92140 .036 -.029 .095 -.008 -.004 1.000 .920 7 .92069 .028 -.023 .044 -.002 -.001 .920 1.000 Minuit fit quality: 3 estimated distance: 1.40233e-06 Minuit parameter uncertainties: 1 2.23966 2 0.0772497 3 0.231623 4 1.18588 5 0.0401144 6 4.11047 7 0.179581 ....! Computing TS values for each source (4 total) Photon fluxes are computed for the energy range 100 to 200000 MeV Crab: Integral: 12.155 +/- 2.23966 Index: -2.08405 +/- 0.0772497 LowerLimit: 20 UpperLimit: 200000 Npred: 242.222 ROI distance: 6.3295 TS value: 468.148 Flux: 2.12421e-06 +/- 1.99726e-07 photons/cm^2/s EGRET Diffuse: Prefactor: 11.0996 +/- 0.231623 Index: -2.1 Scale: 100 Npred: 2745.74 Flux: 0.000456278 +/- 9.51586e-06 photons/cm^2/s Geminga: Integral: 11.3898 +/- 1.18588 Index: -1.70379 +/- 0.0401144 LowerLimit: 20 UpperLimit: 200000 Npred: 414.101 ROI distance: 8.3097 TS value: 1723.39 Flux: 3.65839e-06 +/- 5.88984e-07 photons/cm^2/s PKS 0528+134: Integral: 10.8132 +/- 4.11047 Index: -2.52883 +/- 0.179581 LowerLimit: 20 UpperLimit: 200000 Npred: 97.9565 ROI distance: 9.59745 TS value: 99.5038 Flux: 9.24358e-07 +/- 6.05517e-07 photons/cm^2/s WARNING: Fit may be bad in range [213.847, 312.719] (MeV) Total number of observed counts: 3500 Total number of model events: 3500.02 -log(Likelihood): 32156.40502 Elapsed CPU time: 12.63 real 13.74 user 12.68 sys 0.14 Crab Spectrum: PowerLaw2 0 Integral: 1.218e+01 2.241e+00 1.000e-05 1.000e+03 ( 1.000e-06) 1 Index: -2.085e+00 7.720e-02 -5.000e+00 -1.000e+00 ( 1.000e+00) 2 LowerLimit: 2.000e+01 0.000e+00 2.000e+01 2.000e+05 ( 1.000e+00) fixed 3 UpperLimit: 2.000e+05 0.000e+00 2.000e+01 2.000e+05 ( 1.000e+00) fixed EGRET Diffuse Spectrum: PowerLaw 4 Prefactor: 1.110e+01 2.316e-01 1.000e-03 1.000e+03 ( 1.000e-03) 5 Index: -2.100e+00 0.000e+00 -3.500e+00 -1.000e+00 ( 1.000e+00) fixed 6 Scale: 1.000e+02 0.000e+00 5.000e+01 2.000e+02 ( 1.000e+00) fixed Geminga Spectrum: PowerLaw2 7 Integral: 1.139e+01 1.186e+00 1.000e-05 1.000e+03 ( 1.000e-06) 8 Index: -1.704e+00 4.011e-02 -5.000e+00 -1.000e+00 ( 1.000e+00) 9 LowerLimit: 2.000e+01 0.000e+00 2.000e+01 2.000e+05 ( 1.000e+00) fixed 10 UpperLimit: 2.000e+05 0.000e+00 2.000e+01 2.000e+05 ( 1.000e+00) fixed PKS 0528+134 Spectrum: PowerLaw2 11 Integral: 1.081e+01 4.155e+00 1.000e-05 1.000e+03 ( 1.000e-06) 12 Index: -2.529e+00 1.817e-01 -5.000e+00 -1.000e+00 ( 1.000e+00) 13 LowerLimit: 2.000e+01 0.000e+00 2.000e+01 2.000e+05 ( 1.000e+00) fixed 14 UpperLimit: 2.000e+05 0.000e+00 2.000e+01 2.000e+05 ( 1.000e+00) fixed Ts values: Crab 468.141922683 EGRET Diffuse 4.6e+31 Geminga 1723.394982 PKS 0528+134 99.5015141918 Exercise UpperLimits.py Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder: Tolerance is not sufficient, continue the minimization Info in <Minuit2>: Current Edm is : edm = 0.00243187 Info in <Minuit2>: Required Edm is : edmval = 0.002 Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder: Tolerance is not sufficient, continue the minimization Info in <Minuit2>: Current Edm is : edm = 0.00202712 Info in <Minuit2>: Required Edm is : edmval = 0.002 0 12.1759138504 -3.89065280615e-05 2.12580546324e-06 1 12.8534138504 0.0464672806229 2.17250373333e-06 2 13.5309138504 0.171753884413 2.21674873776e-06 3 14.2084138504 0.364490870554 2.25885725792e-06 4 14.8859138504 0.615180435878 2.29892830279e-06 5 15.5634138504 0.915826330674 2.33694677599e-06 6 16.2409138504 1.25964807016 2.37360424633e-06 7 16.6117672717 1.46288143897 2.39282944572e-06 Crab 2.38262422112e-06 Exercise IntegralUpperLimit.py Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder: Tolerance is not sufficient, continue the minimization Info in <Minuit2>: Current Edm is : edm = 0.00230245 Info in <Minuit2>: Required Edm is : edmval = 0.002 Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder: Tolerance is not sufficient, continue the minimization Info in <Minuit2>: Current Edm is : edm = 0.00384981 Info in <Minuit2>: Required Edm is : edmval = 0.002 Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder: Tolerance is not sufficient, continue the minimization Info in <Minuit2>: Current Edm is : edm = 0.0030095 Info in <Minuit2>: Required Edm is : edmval = 0.002 Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder: Tolerance is not sufficient, continue the minimization Info in <Minuit2>: Current Edm is : edm = 0.00204942 Info in <Minuit2>: Required Edm is : edmval = 0.002 Crab 2.18749862044e-06 time -p gtselect infile=test_events_0000.fits outfile=filtered_events.fits ra="INDEF" dec="INDEF" rad="INDEF" tmin="INDEF" tmax="INDEF" emin=30.0 emax=300000.0 zmin=0.0 zmax=180.0 evclass="INDEF" evtype="INDEF" convtype=-1 phasemin=0.0 phasemax=1.0 evtable="EVENTS" chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" Done. real 1.03 user 0.16 sys 0.07 time -p gtbin evfile=filtered_events.fits scfile=orbSim_scData_0000.fits outfile=countsMap.fits algorithm="CCUBE" ebinalg="LOG" emin=100.0 emax=200000.0 enumbins=30 ebinfile=NONE tbinalg="LIN" tbinfile=NONE nxpix=160 nypix=160 binsz=0.25 coordsys="CEL" xref=90.0 yref=20.0 axisrot=0.0 rafield="RA" decfield="DEC" proj="STG" hpx_ordering_scheme="RING" hpx_order=3 hpx_ebin=yes hpx_region="" evtable="EVENTS" sctable="SC_DATA" efield="ENERGY" tfield="TIME" chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" This is gtbin version ScienceTools-11-03-00 real 1.91 user 0.35 sys 0.22 time -p gtltcube evfile="filtered_events.fits" evtable="EVENTS" scfile=orbSim_scData_0000.fits sctable="SC_DATA" outfile=ltcube.fits dcostheta=0.025 binsz=1.0 phibins=0 tmin=0.0 tmax=0.0 file_version="1" zmin=0.0 zmax=180.0 chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" Working on file orbSim_scData_0000.fits .....................! real 19.96 user 17.12 sys 1.41 time -p gtexpcube2 infile=ltcube.fits cmap=countsMap.fits outfile=bexpmap.fits irfs="DC1A" evtype="INDEF" nxpix="INDEF" nypix="INDEF" binsz="INDEF" coordsys="GAL" xref="INDEF" yref="INDEF" axisrot=0.0 proj="CAR" ebinalg="LOG" emin="INDEF" emax="INDEF" enumbins="INDEF" ebinfile="NONE" bincalc="EDGE" ignorephi=no thmax=180.0 thmin=0.0 table="EXPOSURE" chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no mode="ql" Computing binned exposure map....................! real 26.00 user 24.90 sys 0.30 time -p gtexpcube2 infile=ltcube.fits cmap=countsMap.fits outfile=bexpmap_allsky.fits irfs="DC1A" evtype="INDEF" nxpix=360 nypix=180 binsz=1.0 coordsys="GAL" xref=0.0 yref=0.0 axisrot=0.0 proj="CAR" ebinalg="LOG" emin="INDEF" emax="INDEF" enumbins="INDEF" ebinfile="NONE" bincalc="EDGE" ignorephi=no thmax=180.0 thmin=0.0 table="EXPOSURE" chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no mode="ql" Computing binned exposure map....................! real 61.98 user 60.61 sys 0.56 time -p gtsrcmaps scfile=orbSim_scData_0000.fits sctable="SC_DATA" expcube=ltcube.fits cmap=countsMap.fits srcmdl=/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/sane/data/srcModel_egretdiffuse.xml bexpmap=bexpmap.fits wmap=none outfile=sourceMaps.fits irfs="DC1A" evtype="INDEF" convol=yes resample=yes rfactor=2 minbinsz=0.1 ptsrc=yes psfcorr=yes emapbnds=yes copyall=no chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" Generating SourceMap for Crab....................! Generating SourceMap for EGRET DiffuseCaught St13runtime_error at the top level: time -p gtsrcmaps scfile=orbSim_scData_0000.fits sctable="SC_DATA" expcube=ltcube.fits cmap=countsMap.fits srcmdl=/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/sane/data/srcModel_egretdiffuse.xml bexpmap=bexpmap.fits wmap=none outfile=sourceMaps.fits irfs="DC1A" evtype="INDEF" convol=yes resample=yes rfactor=2 minbinsz=0.1 ptsrc=yes psfcorr=yes emapbnds=no copyall=no chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" Generating SourceMap for Crab....................! Generating SourceMap for EGRET Diffuse....................! Generating SourceMap for Geminga....................! Generating SourceMap for PKS 0528+134....................! real 244.39 user 238.31 sys 3.86 time -p gtsrcmaps scfile=orbSim_scData_0000.fits sctable="SC_DATA" expcube=ltcube.fits cmap=countsMap.fits srcmdl=/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/sane/data/srcModel_egretdiffuse.xml bexpmap=bexpmap_allsky.fits wmap=none outfile=sourceMaps_allsky.fits irfs="DC1A" evtype="INDEF" convol=yes resample=yes rfactor=2 minbinsz=0.1 ptsrc=yes psfcorr=yes emapbnds=no copyall=no chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" Generating SourceMap for Crab....................! Generating SourceMap for EGRET Diffuse....................! Generating SourceMap for Geminga....................! Generating SourceMap for PKS 0528+134....................! real 243.39 user 237.10 sys 4.07 time -p gtlike irfs="DC1A" expcube=ltcube.fits srcmdl=/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/sane/data/srcModel_egretdiffuse.xml sfile=binned_fit_model.xml check_fit=yes results=results.dat specfile=counts_spectra.fits statistic="BINNED" optimizer="MINUIT" ftol=0.001 toltype="ABS" tsmin=no save=yes refit=no evfile=none evtable="EVENTS" scfile=orbSim_scData_0000.fits sctable="SC_DATA" expmap=none plot=no cmap=sourceMaps.fits bexpmap=bexpmap.fits wmap=none psfcorr=yes phased_expmap=none chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" ********** ** 1 **SET PRINT .000 ********** ********** ** 2 **SET NOWARN ********** PARAMETER DEFINITIONS: NO. NAME VALUE STEP SIZE LIMITS 1 'Integral ' 1.0000 1.0000 .10000E-04 1000.0 2 'Index ' -2.0000 1.0000 -5.0000 -1.0000 3 'Prefactor ' 11.000 1.0000 .10000E-02 1000.0 4 'Integral ' 1.0000 1.0000 .10000E-04 1000.0 5 'Index ' -2.0000 1.0000 -5.0000 -1.0000 6 'Integral ' 1.0000 1.0000 .10000E-04 1000.0 7 'Index ' -2.0000 1.0000 -5.0000 -1.0000 ********** ** 3 **SET ERR .5000 ********** ********** ** 4 **SET GRAD 1.000 ********** ********** ** 5 **MINIMIZE 1500. 2.000 ********** MIGRAD MINIMIZATION HAS CONVERGED. MIGRAD WILL VERIFY CONVERGENCE AND ERROR MATRIX. FCN= 19816.90 FROM MIGRAD STATUS=CONVERGED 141 CALLS 142 TOTAL EDM= .72E-05 STRATEGY= 1 ERR MATRIX NOT POS-DEF EXT PARAMETER APPROXIMATE STEP FIRST NO. NAME VALUE ERROR SIZE DERIVATIVE 1 Integral 12.140 1.5834 .29222E-01 -.24924 2 Index -2.0836 .54515E-01 .78442E-01 -.10655 3 Prefactor 11.110 .18083 .60504E-02 -.21283 4 Integral 11.323 .68077 .19226E-01 -.16073 5 Index -1.7040 .23207E-01 .45737E-01 .29923E-01 6 Integral 11.961 25.038 .43760E-01 -.19713E-02 7 Index -2.5709 .96024 .78442E-01 -.33778E-02 ERR DEF= .500 Final values: Integral = 12.1396 Index = -2.08361 Prefactor = 11.11 Integral = 11.3231 Index = -1.70403 Integral = 11.9609 Index = -2.57088 ********** ** 6 **HESSE ********** FCN= 19816.90 FROM HESSE STATUS=OK 52 CALLS 194 TOTAL EDM= .71E-05 STRATEGY= 1 ERROR MATRIX ACCURATE EXT PARAMETER INTERNAL INTERNAL NO. NAME VALUE ERROR STEP SIZE VALUE 1 Integral 12.140 2.2474 .12918E-03 -1.3500 2 Index -2.0836 .77597E-01 .27692E-03 .47596 3 Prefactor 11.110 .21165 .26737E-04 -1.3596 4 Integral 11.323 1.1914 .84942E-04 -1.3576 5 Index -1.7040 .40413E-01 .20165E-03 2.4367 6 Integral 11.961 4.7317 .22326E-03 -1.3516 7 Index -2.5709 .18859 .49452E-03 .21624 ERR DEF= .500 Minuit fit quality: 3 estimated distance: 7.06209e-06 Minuit parameter uncertainties: 1 2.24752 2 0.0776215 3 0.211654 4 1.19147 5 0.0404182 6 4.73315 7 0.188886 ....! Computing TS values for each source (4 total) Photon fluxes are computed for the energy range 100 to 200000 MeV Crab: Integral: 12.1396 +/- 2.24752 Index: -2.08361 +/- 0.0776215 LowerLimit: 20 UpperLimit: 200000 TS value: 442.947 Flux: 2.123e-06 +/- 2.00225e-07 photons/cm^2/s EGRET Diffuse: Prefactor: 11.11 +/- 0.211654 Index: -2.1 Scale: 100 Flux: 0.000456706 +/- 8.69547e-06 photons/cm^2/s Geminga: Integral: 11.3231 +/- 1.19147 Index: -1.70403 +/- 0.0404182 LowerLimit: 20 UpperLimit: 200000 TS value: 1624.76 Flux: 3.6356e-06 +/- 5.91005e-07 photons/cm^2/s PKS 0528+134: Integral: 11.9609 +/- 4.73315 Index: -2.57088 +/- 0.188886 LowerLimit: 20 UpperLimit: 200000 TS value: 95.2913 Flux: 9.55637e-07 +/- 1.54084e-07 photons/cm^2/s WARNING: Fit may be bad in range [213.847, 275.51] (MeV) WARNING: Fit may be bad in range [977.933, 1259.92] (MeV) Total number of observed counts: 3991 Total number of model events: 3990.93 -log(Likelihood): 19816.90052 Writing fitted model to binned_fit_model.xml Elapsed CPU time: 8.23 real 9.25 user 8.11 sys 0.31 time -p gtlike irfs="DC1A" expcube=ltcube.fits srcmdl=/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/rhel7-test/ScienceTools-scons/sane/data/srcModel_egretdiffuse.xml sfile=binned_fit_model.xml check_fit=yes results=results.dat specfile=counts_spectra.fits statistic="BINNED" optimizer="MINUIT" ftol=0.001 toltype="ABS" tsmin=no save=yes refit=no evfile=none evtable="EVENTS" scfile=orbSim_scData_0000.fits sctable="SC_DATA" expmap=none plot=no cmap=sourceMaps_allsky.fits bexpmap=bexpmap_allsky.fits wmap=none psfcorr=yes phased_expmap=none chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" ********** ** 1 **SET PRINT .000 ********** ********** ** 2 **SET NOWARN ********** PARAMETER DEFINITIONS: NO. NAME VALUE STEP SIZE LIMITS 1 'Integral ' 1.0000 1.0000 .10000E-04 1000.0 2 'Index ' -2.0000 1.0000 -5.0000 -1.0000 3 'Prefactor ' 11.000 1.0000 .10000E-02 1000.0 4 'Integral ' 1.0000 1.0000 .10000E-04 1000.0 5 'Index ' -2.0000 1.0000 -5.0000 -1.0000 6 'Integral ' 1.0000 1.0000 .10000E-04 1000.0 7 'Index ' -2.0000 1.0000 -5.0000 -1.0000 ********** ** 3 **SET ERR .5000 ********** ********** ** 4 **SET GRAD 1.000 ********** ********** ** 5 **MINIMIZE 1500. 2.000 ********** MIGRAD MINIMIZATION HAS CONVERGED. MIGRAD WILL VERIFY CONVERGENCE AND ERROR MATRIX. FCN= 19812.67 FROM MIGRAD STATUS=CONVERGED 142 CALLS 143 TOTAL EDM= .84E-04 STRATEGY= 1 ERR MATRIX NOT POS-DEF EXT PARAMETER APPROXIMATE STEP FIRST NO. NAME VALUE ERROR SIZE DERIVATIVE 1 Integral 12.235 1.5922 .29247E-01 -.33081 2 Index -2.0853 .54441E-01 .78442E-01 -.11353 3 Prefactor 10.991 .17898 .60191E-02 1.6623 4 Integral 11.369 .68301 .19237E-01 .71522 5 Index -1.7048 .23199E-01 .45669E-01 -.43278 6 Integral 11.805 24.699 .43760E-01 -.17697E-01 7 Index -2.5641 .95870 .78442E-01 .37065E-02 ERR DEF= .500 Final values: Integral = 12.2349 Index = -2.08531 Prefactor = 10.9909 Integral = 11.3693 Index = -1.7048 Integral = 11.8053 Index = -2.56408 ********** ** 6 **HESSE ********** FCN= 19812.67 FROM HESSE STATUS=OK 52 CALLS 195 TOTAL EDM= .69E-04 STRATEGY= 1 ERROR MATRIX ACCURATE EXT PARAMETER INTERNAL INTERNAL NO. NAME VALUE ERROR STEP SIZE VALUE 1 Integral 12.235 2.2592 .12929E-03 -1.3491 2 Index -2.0853 .77478E-01 .27620E-03 .47501 3 Prefactor 10.991 .20944 .26599E-04 -1.3607 4 Integral 11.369 1.1953 .84991E-04 -1.3571 5 Index -1.7048 .40398E-01 .20135E-03 2.4372 6 Integral 11.805 4.6449 .22157E-03 -1.3531 7 Index -2.5641 .18738 .49393E-03 .21972 ERR DEF= .500 Minuit fit quality: 3 estimated distance: 6.90909e-05 Minuit parameter uncertainties: 1 2.25938 2 0.0775027 3 0.20944 4 1.19537 5 0.040403 6 4.64629 7 0.187673 ....! Computing TS values for each source (4 total) Photon fluxes are computed for the energy range 100 to 200000 MeV Crab: Integral: 12.2349 +/- 2.25938 Index: -2.08531 +/- 0.0775027 LowerLimit: 20 UpperLimit: 200000 TS value: 446.097 Flux: 2.13383e-06 +/- 2.00566e-07 photons/cm^2/s EGRET Diffuse: Prefactor: 10.9909 +/- 0.20944 Index: -2.1 Scale: 100 Flux: 0.000451808 +/- 8.60452e-06 photons/cm^2/s Geminga: Integral: 11.3693 +/- 1.19537 Index: -1.7048 +/- 0.040403 LowerLimit: 20 UpperLimit: 200000 TS value: 1629.22 Flux: 3.646e-06 +/- 5.92359e-07 photons/cm^2/s PKS 0528+134: Integral: 11.8053 +/- 4.64629 Index: -2.56408 +/- 0.187673 LowerLimit: 20 UpperLimit: 200000 TS value: 95.787 Flux: 9.53561e-07 +/- 1.53515e-07 photons/cm^2/s WARNING: Fit may be bad in range [213.847, 275.51] (MeV) WARNING: Fit may be bad in range [977.933, 1259.92] (MeV) Total number of observed counts: 3991 Total number of model events: 3991.21 -log(Likelihood): 19812.66808 Writing fitted model to binned_fit_model.xml Elapsed CPU time: 8.51 real 9.55 user 8.40 sys 0.30 time -p gtmodel srcmaps=sourceMaps_allsky.fits srcmdl=binned_fit_model.xml outfile=model_map.fits irfs="DC1A" evtype="INDEF" expcube=ltcube.fits bexpmap=bexpmap_allsky.fits convol=yes resample=yes rfactor=2 outtype="CMAP" psfcorr=yes edisp=no chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" real 17.07 user 8.67 sys 5.95 time -p gtmodel srcmaps=sourceMaps_allsky.fits srcmdl=binned_fit_model.xml outfile=model_cube.fits irfs="DC1A" evtype="INDEF" expcube=ltcube.fits bexpmap=bexpmap_allsky.fits convol=yes resample=yes rfactor=2 outtype="ccube" psfcorr=yes edisp=no chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" real 14.80 user 8.83 sys 4.02 time -p gtobssim infile=xmlFiles.txt srclist=source_names.txt scfile=none sctable="SC_DATA" evroot="Crab" evtable="EVENTS" simtime=86400.0 ltfrac=0.9 tstart="INDEF" nevents=no maxtime=315500000.0 startdate="2001-01-01 00:00:00" offset=0 rockangle="INDEF" use_ac=no ra=0.0 dec=0.0 radius=20.0 emin=1.0 emax=1000000.0 edisp=yes irfs="DC1A" evtype="none" area=1.0 maxrows=1000000 seed=62587 chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" added source "_3EG_J0534p2200-32mev" Generating events for a simulation time of 86400 seconds.... Done. real 1.53 user 0.66 sys 0.06 time -p gtselect infile=Crab_events_0000.fits outfile=Crab_events_filtered.fits ra=83.57 dec=22.01 rad=20.0 tmin=0.0 tmax=0.0 emin=30.0 emax=300000.0 zmin=0.0 zmax=180.0 evclass="INDEF" evtype="INDEF" convtype=-1 phasemin=0.0 phasemax=1.0 evtable="EVENTS" chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" Done. real 0.91 user 0.15 sys 0.04 time -p gtbin evfile=Crab_events_filtered.fits scfile=Crab_scData_0000.fits outfile=Crab.fits algorithm="CMAP" ebinalg="LOG" emin=30.0 emax=200000.0 enumbins=20 denergy=0.0 ebinfile=NONE tbinalg="LIN" tstart=0.0 tstop=86400.0 dtime=1000.0 tbinfile=numxpix=100 snratio=1.0 lcemin=0.0 lcemax=0.0 nxpix=100 nypix=100 binsz=0.5 coordsys="CEL" xref=83.0 yref=22.0 axisrot=0.0 rafield="RA" decfield="DEC" proj="CAR" hpx_ordering_scheme="RING" hpx_order=3 hpx_ebin=yes hpx_region="" evtable="EVENTS" sctable="SC_DATA" efield="ENERGY" tfield="TIME" chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" This is gtbin version ScienceTools-11-03-00 real 1.19 user 0.20 sys 0.04 time -p gtbin evfile=Crab_events_filtered.fits scfile=Crab_scData_0000.fits outfile=Crab.pha algorithm="PHA1" ebinalg="LOG" emin=30.0 emax=200000.0 enumbins=20 denergy=0.0 ebinfile=NONE tbinalg="LIN" tstart=0.0 tstop=86400.0 dtime=1000.0 tbinfile=numxpix=100 snratio=1.0 lcemin=0.0 lcemax=0.0 nxpix=100 nypix=100 binsz=0.5 coordsys="CEL" xref=83.0 yref=22.0 axisrot=0.0 rafield="RA" decfield="DEC" proj="CAR" hpx_ordering_scheme="RING" hpx_order=3 hpx_ebin=yes hpx_region="" evtable="EVENTS" sctable="SC_DATA" efield="ENERGY" tfield="TIME" chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" This is gtbin version ScienceTools-11-03-00 real 1.01 user 0.19 sys 0.03 time -p gtbin evfile=Crab_events_filtered.fits scfile=Crab_scData_0000.fits outfile=Crab.lc algorithm="LC" ebinalg="LOG" emin=30.0 emax=200000.0 enumbins=20 denergy=0.0 ebinfile=NONE tbinalg="LIN" tstart=0.0 tstop=86400.0 dtime=1000.0 tbinfile=numxpix=100 snratio=1.0 lcemin=0.0 lcemax=0.0 nxpix=100 nypix=100 binsz=0.5 coordsys="CEL" xref=83.0 yref=22.0 axisrot=0.0 rafield="RA" decfield="DEC" proj="CAR" hpx_ordering_scheme="RING" hpx_order=3 hpx_ebin=yes hpx_region="" evtable="EVENTS" sctable="SC_DATA" efield="ENERGY" tfield="TIME" chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" This is gtbin version ScienceTools-11-03-00 real 0.98 user 0.18 sys 0.04 time -p gtrspgen respalg="PS" specfile=Crab.pha scfile=Crab_scData_0000.fits outfile=Crab.rsp irfs="DC1AF" sctable="SC_DATA" resptpl=DEFAULT chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql" time=1000.0 thetacut=70.0 dcostheta=0.025 phinumbins=1 ebinalg="LOG" efield="ENERGY" emin=30.0 emax=200000.0 enumbins=20 denergy=0.0 ebinfile=NONE This is gtrspgen version ScienceTools-11-03-00 real 1.29 user 0.27 sys 0.05
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