As of this writing there are nominally less than 4 months before launch. And perhaps 3 months to change things. Here is a list of priority items we must address now in SAS land. At first this will be an effort to gather input on the list, then we will order them by priority and attack.




Point of Contact



replace CMT with SCons; update RM, MRStudio etc



Composite Event Lists

Root file bookkeeping for locations of event pieces

David, Heather


Upgrade web Skimmer to use CELs

Access to Root trees in the Data Server

Tony, David


Interleave to use CELs

Big Run sky access depends on CELs for interleave



data reprocessing

demonstrate Pipeline task to bulk reprocess L1 data

Tom, Warren


tape archive

use of xrootd to manage tape archive



new Oracle servers

replace glast-oracle01,2 with new Niagara servers

Tony, Dan


MOOT offline

infrastructure to access MOOD from Gleam



OBF talks to MOOT

Onboard filter in Gleam needs to obtain configs from MOOD

Tracy, Joanne


wrap DFI offline

when DFI is ready from FSW folks, wrap for offline



clean off 100 TB existing disk

due to budget cuts, need to reuse existing disk



ACD code review, upgrade

review (and upgrade?) of Acd sim and recon

ACD review gang


documentation expansion

Data Handling operations; Data Access; much more!



stress test L1 proc

Needs to test scaling and robustness


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