On-Going Support from SLAC and the LAT Collaboration after FY2018

On-Going Support AreaOn-Going Support PeopleOn-Going Support DetailsIf no explicit Fermi funding, primary funding source
Mission Planning

Rob Cameron

Gregg Thayer

Jana Thayer

Rob: non-routine mission planning (1st call)

Gregg: non-routine mission planning, new configurations (2nd call)

Jana: new configurations (3rd call)

NOTE: Keep FSSC (Robin Corbet, Joe Eggen, Jerry Bonnell, Elizabeth Ferrara) informed and involved in non-routine activities, to expand expertise outside SLAC.


LSST Camera


Flight Operations

Rob Cameron

Gregg Thayer

Jana Thayer

Steve Tether

Rob: non-routine LAT commanding, non-routine monitoring, non-routine reporting, anomaly response (1st call)

Gregg: non-routine LAT commanding, anomaly response (2nd call)

Jana: non-routine LAT commanding, anomaly response (3rd call)

Steve: LAT Flight Operations operator workstations

NOTE: Keep FSSC (Robin Corbet, Joe Eggen, Jerry Bonnell, Elizabeth Ferrara) informed and involved in non-routine activities, to expand expertise outside SLAC.

LSST Camera


LSST Camera

LAT Flight Software

Gregg Thayer

Jana Thayer

JJ Russell

Gregg: LAT FSW changes (1st call), FSW facility support (1st call)

Jana: LAT FSW changes (2nd call), FSW facility support (2nd call)

JJ: LAT FSW changes (3rd call), FSW facility support (3rd call)

LSST Camera



LAT Operations and FSW facilities

Gregg Thayer

Jana Thayer

Owen Saxton

Gregg: FSW/Testbed/Dataflow Lab facility support (1st call)

Owen: FSW/Testbed/Dataflow Lab facility support (2nd call)

Jana: FSW/Testbed/Dataflow Lab facility support (3rd call)

LSST Camera


LSST Camera

Regular and semi-regular manual ISOC tasks

Don Horner

Steve Tether

See linked Confluence page


LSST Camera

FASTCopy and Level-0 ArchivingSteve TetherSee linked Confluence pageLSST Camera
LogWatcherSteve TetherSee linked Confluence pageLSST Camera
Moot/MoodJoanne Bogart LCLS/LSST DESC
Skimmer See linked Confluence page 
Processing PipelineBrian Van Klaveren  

Half Pipe

Steve Tether LSST Camera

Level 1 Processing

Warren Focke  

Data Catalog

Brian Van Klaveren  
AstroserverBrian Van Klaveren  
Web Tools and Apps

Tony Johnson

Max Turri


LSST Science

LSST Camera

XrootdWilko Kroeger  
Automated Science ProcessingJim ChiangJim: Flaring Source Detection, Monitoring, Light Curve Generation, ReportingLSST Science
Science Tools   

Release Management (Jenkins)

Brian Van Klaveren  
LAT calibrations

Tyrel Johnson

Donggeun Tak

Stefan Zimmer ?

Michael Kuss

Warren Focke

Tyrel: CAL monthly calibrations used in L1 Processing

Donggeun: ACD calibrations used in L1 Processing

Stefan (question): TKR bad strips monthly calibrations used in L1 Processing

Michael: TKR alignment calibrations

Warren: TKR/CAL/ACD calibration installation for L1 Processing

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