- Download heasoft source from: http://heasarc.nasa.gov/lheasoft/download.html
- Unpack the tarball
- ./configure --prefix=blah >& config.out &
- make heacore >& build.log &
- make install
- libcfitsio.a is located in the src heacore/cfitsio
Downloaded cfitsio source from: ftp://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/software/fitsio/c/
- ./configure --prefix=blah >& config.out &
- make >& build.log &
- make shared
- make install
These are instructions for building CFITSIO v3290 for the various OSes supported.
These instructions should be performed as the glastrm user on a machine running rhel5 in 64 bit mode (noric15 as of this writing).
- Copy CFITSIO v3.290 (cfitsio-v3.290.tar.gz) from /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/srcExtLibs
- Change directory to /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat5-x86_64-64bit/cfitsio
- Unzip and Untar the file cfitsio-v3.290.tar.gz
- Change directory to cfitsio
- Execute ./configure --prefix=/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat5-x86_64-64bit/cfitsio/v3290/gcc41
- Execute make shared
- Create the directory /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat5-x86_64-64bit/cfitsio/v3290/gcc41
- Execute make install
- Create a symlink between libcfitsio.so and create libcfitsio-v3.290.so
- Erase and leave the cfitsio directory
These are instructions for building CFITSIO v3060A for the various OSes supported.
These instructions should be performed as the glastrm user on a machine running rhel5 in 64 bit mode (noric15 as of this writing).
- Copy CFITSIO v3.060A (cfitsio-v3.060A-src.tar.gz) from one of the other GLAST_EXT locations and save to /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat5-i686-32bit/cfitsio if it doesn't already exist.
- Change directory to /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat5-x86_64-64bit/cfitsio
- Unzip and Untar the file cfitsio-v3.060A-src.tar.gz
- Change directory to cfitsio-v3.060A/
- Execute ./configure --prefix=/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat5-x86_64-64bit/cfitsio/v3060A/gcc41
- Execute make shared
- Create the directory /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat5-x86_64-64bit/cfitsio/v3060A/gcc41
- Execute make install
- Erase and leave the cfitsio-v3.060A directory
These instructions should be performed as the glastrm user on a machine running leopard (bldmac02 as of this writing).
- Copy CFITSIO v3.060A (cfitsio-v3.060A-src.tar.gz) from one of the other GLAST_EXT locations and save to /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/leopard-i386-32bit/cfitsio if it doesn't already exist.
- Change directory to /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/leopard-i386-32bit/cfitsio
- Unzip and Untar the file cfitsio-v3.060A-src.tar.gz
- Change directory to cfitsio-v3.060A/
- Execute ./configure --prefix=/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/leopard-i386-32bit/cfitsio/v3060A/gcc40
- Execute make shared
- Create the directory /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/leopard-i386-32bit/cfitsio/v3060A/gcc40
- Execute make install
- Erase and leave the cfitsio-v3.060A directory
These instructions should be performed as the glastrm user on a machine running leopard (bldmac01 as of this writing).
- Copy CFITSIO v3.060A (cfitsio-v3.060A-src.tar.gz) from one of the other GLAST_EXT locations and save to /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/tiger-i386-32bit/cfitsio if it doesn't already exist.
- Change directory to /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/tiger-i386-32bit/cfitsio
- Unzip and Untar the file cfitsio-v3.060A-src.tar.gz
- Change directory to cfitsio-v3.060A/
- Execute ./configure --prefix=/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/tiger-i386-32bit/cfitsio/v3060A/gcc40
- Execute make shared
- Create the directory /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/tiger-i386-32bit/cfitsio/v3060A/gcc40
- Execute make install
- Erase and leave the cfitsio-v3.060A directory
These instructions should be performed as the glastrm user on a machine running leopard (bldmac01 as of this writing).
- Copy CFITSIO v3.060A (cfitsio-v3.060A-src.tar.gz) from one of the other GLAST_EXT locations and save to /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat5-i686-32bit/cfitsio if it doesn't already exist.
- Change directory to /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat5-i686-32bit/cfitsio
- Unzip and Untar the file cfitsio-v3.060A-src.tar.gz
- Change directory to cfitsio-v3.060A/
- Execute ./configure --prefix=/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat5-i686-32bit/cfitsio/v3060A/gcc41
- Execute make shared
- Create the directory /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat5-i686-32bit/cfitsio/v3060A/gcc41
- Execute make install
- Erase and leave the cfitsio-v3.060A directory