Blog from October, 2009

Reasons for Change

  • Move to ST v9r15p5 from ST v9r15p4
  • New version of ASP/BayesianBlocks v2
  • Handle empty ROIs that arise from increased rocking angle for six_hour intervals in DRP_monitoring task.
  • Use later versions of asp_pointlike, asp_skymaps, asp_healpix packages that were modified for SCons builds
  • Rename package-specific scripts since SCons builds somehow cannot deploy into python subdirectories.

Test Procedure

Tested in dev on data in /ASP/TestSims2.

Rollback Procedure

Revert to ASP v3r0p3 and ST v9r15p4.

CCB Jira



  • ASP v3r1p0
    • AspHealPix v0r0p3
    • AspLauncher v1r4p0
    • AspPolicy v0r6p1
    • BayesianBlocks v2r0p0*
      • Revised interface to allow for ncp_prior to be specified when light_curve method is called rather than in the constructor
    • asp_pgwave v1r10p2*
      • In, refactor logic to select appropriate EVENT_CLASS cuts for test data vs flight data
      • ->
      • modify PGWave.xml to use (new xml task def)
    • drpMonitoring v1r7p5*
      • Test each ROI in to ensure events remain after standard gtselect and gtmktime filtering is applied.
      • ->
      • modify DRP_monitoring.xml to use (new xml task def)
    • grbASP v4r8p6*
      • use new BayesianBlocks interface
      • add autoRetryMaxAttempts to GRB_blind_search blind_search process (new xml task def)
      • ->
      • modify GRB_afterglow.xml to use (new xml task def)
    • pyASP v3r6p2*
      • add pipelineServer() function so that clients can easily determine whether the code is run in 'PROD' or 'DEV'
    • asp_healpix v2r2p3*
    • asp_skymaps v1r13p2*
    • asp_pointlike v6r14p1*

Reason for change

The new version (AlarmsCfg-05-20-03, as opposed to AlarmsCfg-05-20-01) includes a modification to accommodate the new LAT configuration in which the TEM diagnostics is enabled by default.

Test Procedure

We have processed monitoring products from real on-orbit data (LPA) locally with this version of AlarmsCfg.

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.

CCB Jira


Details (release notes for dataMonitoring/AlarmCfg for AlarmsCfg-05-20-03)

AlarmsCfg-05-20-03 16-Oct-2009 lbaldini Changed limits on the uncompressed/compressed event size)

  • Limits on digi_trend OutF_Ratio_EvtSize_CompressedEvtSize changed after the enabling of the diagnostics.

Reason for change

We would like to run for a few days the RHEL3 build of GlastRelease-v15r47p12gr06 (candidate release for the switchover to RHEL4), before moving on to RHEL4.
Plus, we are now Running the ScienceTools from our own installation on afs to improve robustness.

Test Procedure

We have processed runs in the DEV pipeline with this version of L1Proc.

Rollback procedure

We can easily switch back to the previous version of L1Proc.

CCB Jira



L1Pipeline: L1Pipeline v1r78
- Use new style tags for monitoring packages.
- FastMon called with the -s option (SAA config).
- Running the ScienceTools from afs.
- Cleaning up the JO for digi/recon.

GlastRelease: GlastRelease-15r47p12gr06

- There are a few changes in this GR wrt the version in use in L1, GR v15r47p12 (mostly implemented to get ready for RHEL4):
- enums v3r0p1: set TEMBUG flag to 0x100000 so it is distinct from PHASEERROR
- Trigger v6r4p1gr2: update test JO; modify handling of TriggerAlg.mask to use Gaudi's StringProperty to avoid any questions from conversion from int to unsigned int
- TkrDigi v2r7p3gr1: Mods to unit test JO
- RootIo v21r12p0gr05: Try making RootConvert public, but no_auto_imports for OnboardFilterTds; adjust req file to make RootConvert private; Patch to allow use of EvtMax==0 to read in a complete input ROOT file
- OnboardFilter v4r14p0gr1: Update to unit test JO
- LdfConverter v4r3p4gr1: mod to use EvtMax==0 to denote reading in a complete input file, to avoid issues with setting EvtMax > MAXINT
- IExternal/Geant4Runtime v3r801p7: Rebuild of g4 to set G4_NO_VERBOSE and G4_NO_STORE_TRAJECTORY, and now includes the tables with the windows distribution
- IExternal/Geant4 v3r801p6: Increment tag so installer recognizes we have a new version of G4
- HepRepSvc v0r27p2gr1: replace abs with fabs in src/FilterFillter.cxx
- HepRepCorba v2r0p0gr1: Pick up some fixes from the HEAD for a new version of L1proc
- Gleam v7r2p3gr1: Patch JO for TriggerAlg.mask setting via string and remove mask setting within ldf2digi.txt JO, as it is unnecessary due to use of ConfigSvc
- GlastSvc v9r26p1gr1: apply updates for random service to apply seed once per run the default
- CalXtalResponse v0r21p8gr1: removed use of obf, no necessary now that RootIo is hiding use of RootConvert
- CalRecon v6r7p0gr1: Modified src/CalEventEnergyAlg.cxx to remove tools Philippe Bruel reminds us are no longer used
- AnalysisNtuple v2r51p0gr03: Remove obsolete CAL merit variables as requested by Philippe Bruel; Fix init of FT1EventClass; Fix for FT1EventClass init

- There are a few changes in the system tests wrt GR v15r47p12. These changes arose from a change in seed handling in GlastSvc to switch from an event to run seed for MC generation.

dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg: AlarmsCfg-05-20-02
- reactivate the alarm on the FSW compression level.

svac/TestReport: TestReport-10-01-00
(note: this version was approved for L1Proc 1.77 but accidentally not implemented)
- error list is now pointing to the evtGemId.
- checking the FSW compression level (GDQMQ-320).
- checking that periodic evts never have the TEM bug (GDQMQ-319).

Complete set of tags for L1Proc 1.75

Code Versions

GlastRelease (sim/recon): GlastRelease-v15r47p12gr06*

ScienceTools (Level 2) : v9r15p3gl2

Science Ops (task defs, scripts):

Level 1 pipeline code and applications running in L1:

svac/L1Pipeline: L1Pipeline v1r78*

calibTkrUtil v2r7p3
calibGenTKR v4r5

dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg: AlarmsCfg-05-20-01*
dataMonitoring/FastMonCfg: FastMonCfg-02-00-01
dataMonitoring/DigiReconCalMeritCfg: DigiReconCalMeritCfg-01-04-03

dataMonitoring/Common: Common-06-01-01
dataMonitoring/FastMon: FastMon-05-01-00
datMonitoring/IGRF: v1r0p1

svac/Monitor: Monitor-01-03-03
svac/EngineeringModelRoot: v4r4
svac/TestReport: TestReport-10-01-00*

users/richard/pipelineDatasets: v0r6

ft2Util: v1r2p31

evtClassDefs v0r14

GPLtools: fileOps3

Reason for change

The new version (AlarmsCfg-05-20-01, as opposed to AlarmsCfg-05-19-04) includes some limits to take into account the noisy channel 2414, and the unexpected reboot to FSW 2.0.2, after to EPU0 reboot.

Test Procedure

We have processed monitoring products from real on-orbit data (LPA) locally with this version of AlarmsCfg.

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.

CCB Jira


Details (release notes for dataMonitoring/AlarmCfg for AlarmsCfg-05-20-01)

AlarmsCfg-05-20-01 02-Oct-2009 bregeon Add temporary alarms because of noisy cal channel 2414

  • Add exceptions for channel 2414 for calPedsAnalyzer:
    CalXAdcPedRMS_LEX1_TH1 y_values
    CalXAdcPedRMS_LEX8_TH1 y_values
  • Add exceptions for Tower 12 b/C of channel 2414 for digi and fastmon eor:
    CalX_NHit_TH1_Tower_ x_average and x_rms
    CalLogEndRangeHitCounter_Range*_TH2_Tower_12 spikes_and_holes
  • Change back lkower limits on digi trending Mean_CompressionLevel changed from
    8.0, 8.0 to 7.0, 7.8 to accommodate with the reboot to the B2-0-2

AlarmsCfg-05-20-00 30-Sep-2009 lbaldini Added alarms on the CAL hitmaps.

  • Added alarms on the CAL hitmaps to identify possible spikes and/or holes,
    along the lines of what we already have for the tracker.
    Specifically alarms ("empty_bins" and "spikes_and_holes") have been added,
    with reasobale settings, on:
    See also and
    the relative thread.

AlarmsCfg-05-19-05 28-Sep-2009 lbaldini Minor limit change for ACD tile 73.

  • Upper warning limit for AcdPedPedMeanDeviation_PMTB_TH1 (y_value) changed
    from 8 to 12. This is temporary change that will be reverted as soon as we
    have updated the claibration constants.
  • Relevant jira(s): GDM-321

AlarmsCfg-05-19-04 24-Sep-2009 monzani added two checks to verify

  • Added two more error conditions to the verify alarm file: checking the FSW
    compression level (GDQMQ-320), checking that periodic evts never have the TEM bug (GDQMQ-319)