Blog from June, 2009

Reasons for Change

  • improved handling of sourcesub_types in DRP_monitoring task
  • bug-fixes in GRB tasks
  • move from ST v9r11 to ST v9r15p2

Test Procedure

Tested in dev on data in /ASP/TestSims2 and on relevant L1Proc datasets in prod

Rollback Procedure

Revert to ASP v2r12p1 and ST v9r11

CCB Jira



  • ASP v2r12p2
    • AspHealPix v0r0p2
    • AspLauncher v1r3p6
    • AspPolicy v0r6p1
    • BayesianBlocks v1r1*
      • Modified to use updated ScData interface in Likelihood v15+
    • asp_pgwave v1r9p5*
      • add "ATEL" as valid sourcesub_type for point source selection
      • accommodate interface change in pointlike for localization
    • drpMonitoring v1r7p4*
      • Add W Comae to public release sources
      • update sourceType attribute in XML model definition using db table
        sourcesub_typ info
    • grbASP v4r8p2*
      • use reply_to feature for sending email alerts from BlindSearch task
      • skip unreliable FERMI_LAT_POSITION notices in GRB_refinement task
      • bug-fix for handling single event FT1 files for far off-axis bursts
    • pyASP v3r6p1*
      • add reply_to option for MulitPartMailer class

Reason for change

The new version (v5r16p2, as opposed to v5r15p1) takes care of a new noisy cal channel (1160) and features a few new alarms on the filter rates, compression level and bandwith usage. See below for details.

Test Procedure

We have processed monitoring products from real on-orbit data (LPA) locally with this version of AlarmsCfg.

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.

CCB Jira


Details (release notes for dataMonitoring/AlarmCfg for v5r16p2)


  • Added alarms on the compression level and bandwidth in the digi trending. Precisely, alarms have been added on the following quantities:
    • Time::Mean_CompressionLevel
    • Time::Rate_CompressedEvtSizeInBytes
    • Time::Mean_CompressedEvtSizeBytes
  • Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-313


  • Added alarms on the filter rates in the digi trending:
    • Time::Rate_FswFilters_DGN
    • Time::Rate_FswFilters_HIP
    • Time::Rate_FswFilters_GAMMA
      This is essentially to make sure that all the filters are correctly running in the nominal science configuration.
  • Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-312


  • Alarm limits (warning max and error max) changed in calpeds_eor for channel 1160 for the ""y_values" alarms on:
    • CalXAdcPedRMS_LEX1_TH1 (1.2, 1.8 -> 3.6, 3.6) and
    • CalXAdcPedRMS_LEX8_TH1 (10.0, 15.0 -> 30.0, 30.0)
  • Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-314
Request to update boresight alignment

Reason for change (UPDATE)

Following an analysis of the unbinned photons above 3 GeV, it appears to actually be a fixed offset

see this link

As a follow up to the C&A meeting where I presented the results of pass6/pass7 boresight comparison, it appears that the alignment has changed by 60 arcseconds since the alignment was first determined during L&EO. In particular, the alignment seemed to change over the period from December to February the most significantly. I propose that one set of boresight alignment calibrations should be split up as follows:

September-December (242149417-252517417)
January (252517417-255109417)
February (255109417

Since there are already alignment constants in the reprocessing, it would be easier just to reference the relative changes:
(242149417-252517417): delta-Rx=+11 delta-Ry=+54 delta-Rz=+4
(252517417-255109417): delta-Rx=-33 delta-Ry=+79 delta-Rz=+31
(255109417 : delta-Rx=-31 delta-Ry=+25 delta-Rz=+11

Here is the plot from the C&A meeting:

Test Procedure

The pointlike boresight alignment analysis will be run locally to verify the constants have been applied correctly.

Rollback procedure

CCB Jira


Reason for change

The new version (v5r15p1, as opposed to v5r14p2) introduces some minor modifications for routine maintenance.

Test Procedure

We have processed monitoring products from real on-orbit data (LPA) locally with this version of AlarmsCfg.

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.

CCB Jira


Details (release notes for dataMonitoring/AlarmCfg for xxx)

plus in v5r15p0

  • Condition on the minimum number of entries for running the alarms on the calgains eor changed from 750,000 to 1,000,000.


  • Add an exception on recon eor for LAC threshold of Tower 6 Layer 4 Column 6
    This LAC threshold has been disabled in the FSW configuration because this channel has a noise greater than 1MeV, hence the cristal is readout on the other side only and the observed LAC threshold is higher than normal.
    • From the LAT diary: 2009/162 Changed nomSciOps configuration (disabled a CAL LAC threshold (see JIRA OBCONF-107)
      o 16:42:53 - Stopped last run w/ previous configuration. (Run 266430686)
      o 16:43:35 - Started first run w/ new configuration. (Run 266431417)

Reason for change

The new version (v5r14p2, as opposed to v5r14p1) introduces some minor modifications to accommodate a new cal noisy channel (2784).

Test Procedure

We have processed monitoring products from real on-orbit data (LPA) locally with this version of AlarmsCfg.

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.

CCB Jira


Details (release notes for dataMonitoring/AlarmCfg for v5r14p2)


  • Warning high limit moved from 2.5 to 3.0 for the "y_values" alarms on CalXAdcPedPedMeanDeviation_HEX1_TH1 and CalXAdcPedPedMeanDeviation_LEX1_TH1 for CAL channel 2784.

Reason for change

Improved file server filter to decorate file systems: It is now possible to select and download files.

CCB Jira