Blog from April, 2009

Reason for change

The new version (v5r13p1, as opposed to v5r12p4) introduces some minor modifications to accommodate a new cal noisy channel (1983).

Test Procedure

We have processed monitoring products from real on-orbit data (LPA) locally with this version of AlarmsCfg.

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.

CCB Jira


Details (release notes for dataMonitoring/AlarmCfg for v5r13p1)


  • There's a nice feature of the y_values alarm algorithm: you pass the "only" and "exclude" parameters by addressing the bin index rather than the x values of the histogram. Phrased another way: if you want to set a separate threshold on channel 1983, you set the "only" parameter to [1984] to take into account the fact that the bin indexes in ROOT start from 1 (0 being the underflow) and therefore there's an overall shift of 1 unit.

Johan suggested to change all the [1984] to [1983+1] to stress this (the python code evals the expression at runtime).


  • Minor modifications to accomodate a new cal noisy channel (1983):
    • CalXAdcPedRMS_LEX1_TH1 has a separate high (warning and error) threshold of 3.6 ADC counts for channel 1983.
    • CalXAdcPedRMS_LEX8_TH1 has a separate high (warning and error) threshold of 30 ADC counts for channel 1983.
    • CalXAdcPedPedMeanDifference and CalXAdcPedPedRMSDifference for LEX1 and LEX8 have exceptions for channels 848, 1250, and 1983.

Reasons for Change

  • Enable auto retries for source monitoring tasks
  • Add code to use correct RA, Dec from POINTSOURCES table for aliased sources
  • Adjust GCN Notice formatting

Test Procedure

Tested in dev on data in /ASP/TestSims2.

Rollback Procedure

Revert to ASP v2r12.

CCB Jira



  • ASP-63@JIRA Use auto retry feature in PGWave and DRP_monitoring tasks
  • ASP-62@JIRA Along with the aliased names in the source monitoring data sent to the FSSC, we need to include the accepted astronomical coordinates.
  • ASP v2r12p1
    • AspHealPix v0r0p2
    • AspLauncher v1r3p6
    • AspPolicy v0r6p1
    • BayesianBlocks v1r0p1
    • asp_pgwave v1r9p3*
      • Add autoRetryMaxAttempts attributes to process tags in PGWave.xml
    • drpMonitoring v1r7p3*
      • Add autoRetryMaxAttempts attributes to process tags in DRP_monitoring.xml
      • Modified to use standard coordinates from aliased pointsources table entry
    • grbASP v4r8p1*
      • Formatting adjustments for GCN notices
    • pyASP v3r6

Reason for change

The new version (v5r12p4, as opposed to v5r12p3) introduces some modifications in the alarm exception files.

Test Procedure

We have processed monitoring products from real on-orbit data (LPA) locally with this version of AlarmsCfg.

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.

CCB Jira


Details (release notes for dataMonitoring/AlarmCfg for v5r12p3)


  • Added exception for tower 5, plane 32 on Number_layerOcc_TowerPlane (trackermon_trend).
  • Removed and obsolete exception on Number_layerOcc_TowerPlane (trackermon_trend) for tower 0, plane 14. Verified that the alarm is clean for a considerable number of runs in a row.

Reason for change

The new version (v5r12p3, as opposed to v5r12p2) reverts a change introduced by mistake in the last release of dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg (see change log in the last section).

Test Procedure

We have processed monitoring products from real on-orbit data (LPA) locally with this version of AlarmsCfg.

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.

CCB Jira


Details (release notes for dataMonitoring/AlarmCfg for v5r12p3)

.*** v5r12p3 ***

  • TkrHitsCounter_PlaneGTFE_TH2_Tower_5 Layer 32 GTFE 3: add exception in fastmon_eor (3, 32)
Request to Deploy ASP v2r12

Reasons for Change

  • Need to add ALIAS column to POINTSOURCES db table to support usage of standard astronomical source names.
  • LAT on-board localizations are unreliable.
  • Bug-fix for coordinates in TS map plotting code.
  • Need to enable GCN Notice generation from GRB_refinement task for blind search detections.
  • Move to ST v9r11 (This entails a full switch to numpy from numarray in the python scripts and hence affects almost all ASP subpackages.)

Test Procedure

Tested in dev on data in /ASP/TestSims2 and on data in prod database tables where possible.

Rollback Procedure

Revert to ASP v2r11p3 and ST v9r9.

CCB Jira



  • ASP-61@JIRA Implement db table of aliases for ASPJ sources so that standard astronomical names can be used and multiple ASPJ entries can be reconciled.
  • The GRB_refinement task uses the positions from the GCN Notices as a seed for the position refinement and selects the notice that reports the smallest error as the best seed position to use. LAT on-board notices are unreliable and have unrealistically small error radii, so they should be ignored in determining the seed position. Here are examples of error circles for the two recent bursts GRB090323002 and GRB090328401:

    The black cones are the GBM flight error cones, the blue cones are GBM ground, and the red are the LAT on-board error cones. The dotted cross-hairs show the XRT positions for the afterglow emission from these bursts.
  • ASP v2r12
    • AspHealPix v0r0p2*
      • modified to use numpy
    • AspLauncher v1r3p6
    • AspPolicy v0r6p1
    • BayesianBlocks v1r0p1*
      • modified to use numpy
    • asp_pgwave v1r9p2*
      • modified to use numpy
    • drpMonitoring v1r7p2*
      • modified to use numpy
      • removed python/ (deprecated code)
      • modified to apply standard astronomical aliases to point source names.
    • grbASP v4r8*
      • modified to use numpy
      • Add code to skip selectable set of GCN Notices in, and apply to FERMI_LAT_POSITION notice types in
      • perform TS calculation for all GRB candidates in
      • generate GCN Notice using new template and add code to mail completed Notice to distribution list including GCN server.
      • fixed FITS image ingest to plot latitude coordinates from TS map correctly.
    • pyASP v3r6*
      • modified to use numpy
      • removed python/ (use version in ST v9r11, pyLikelihood instead)