Blog from March, 2009

Reason for change

The new version (v5r12p2, as opposed to v5r12p1) reverts a change introduced by mistake in the last release of dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg (see change log in the last section).

Test Procedure

We have processed monitoring products from real on-orbit data (LPA) locally with this version of AlarmsCfg.

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.

CCB Jira


Details (release notes for dataMonitoring/AlarmCfg for v5r12p2)


  • Exceptions on channel 848 for CalXAdcPedPedRMSDifference_LEX8_TH1 and CalXAdcPedPedRMSDifference_LEX1_TH1 put back in---they had been removed by mistake in version v5r12p0.

Reason for change

The new version (v5r12p1, as opposed to v5r10p0, previously running in L1Proc 1.71) contains minor changes described in details in the last section.

Test Procedure

We have processed monitoring products from real on-orbit data (LPA) locally with this version of AlarmsCfg.

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.

CCB Jira


Details (release notes for dataMonitoring/AlarmCfg for v5r12p1)


  • update TEM_BUG alarm name in fastmon_errors_alarms.xml (GDQMQ-304)


  • Removed some commented lines in calpeds_eor_alarms_exceptions.xml.
  • A few obsolete exceptions removed from calhist_alarms_exceptions.xml.
  • Exceptions on channel 848 for CalXAdcPedPedRMSDifference_LEX8_TH1 and CalXAdcPedPedRMSDifference_LEX1_TH1 removed in
    calpeds_eor_alarms_exceptions.xml---after the new hardware configuration has been loaded on the LAT.
  • Changed conditions on the min number of events in the following alarms:
    • ReconAcdGlobalPosONLYMatchedTracks_RibbonXOriented_TH1_XYZ_1 -> 3000
    • ReconAcdGlobalPosONLYMatchedTracks_RibbonYOriented_TH1_XYZ_0 -> 5000
    • ReconAcdGlobalPosNotMatchedTracks_RibbonYOriented_TH1_XYZ_1 -> 10000
    • ReconAcdGlobalPosNotMatchedTracks_RibbonXOriented_TH1_XYZ_0 -> 10000
      (after a bug fix in the Recon).


  • Add an alarm file for the errors from ft2Verify (LONE-137)

Reason for change

This new GR, v15r47p7, uses the new LDF v7-01-01 which correctly deals with the TEM bug and phasing error events. In particular, it will no longer try to parse obviously corrupted (out of synch) information. An added benefit is that the digitization log files will no longer be filled with hundreds of thousands of lines of messages from the parsing of this corrupt information (complaining about unphysical strip hits etc). All this junk output would drown out any important messages. Note that events with the TEM bug or phasing errors are not reconstructed. This does not change. So this only affect data in the the digi files. For the better.

We also have a few bug fixes and updates for the monitoring (among other things checking each FT2 file to see if the livetime in a 30-second period is negative or larger than 30 seconds) and the addition of a new variable in the SVAC ntuple (signaling the presence of a TEM bug).

Test Procedure

We have processed data runs in the DEV pipeline with this version of L1Proc. We explicitly verified for a complete data run (260174589)  that we got the same number of events passed on to recon.

Rollback procedure

We can switch back to the previous version of L1Proc.

CCB Jira



L1Pipeline v1r72:
- Adding the machinery to run the Verify-for-ft2 package.
- Versionize crumb files. LONE-132@JIRA
- Fix LD_LIBRARY_PATH for tree merges.

GlastRelease v15r47p7:
- There are multiple changes in this GR wrt the version in use in L1, GR v15r47p5, mostly related to the new LDF, v7-01-01.
- No changes in the system tests wrt GR v15r47p5.

svac/EngineeringModelRoot: v4r4
- Added a TEM bug variable.

svac/TestReport: v9r1
- xml output for ft2 conformed to standard for error parser
- Added verify module for ft2 files (LONE-137)
- Fixed a bug in the tuncation from command line
- Truncation is now done per-error and not per-event

svac/Monitor: v1r2p37
- Update error message (in class MonInput_AcdGlobalPos_NotMatchedTrack_FacePosXYZ.cxx) that was confusing.
- Added new object to retrieve TemBug info. This addresses Jira GDQMQ-254.

dataMonitoring/DigiReconCalMeritCfg: v1r3p5
- Added quantities to monitor the rate of Tem Bugs. This addresses jira GDQMQ-254.

Complete set of tags for L1Proc 1.72

Code Versions

GlastRelease (sim/recon): v15r47p7*

ScienceTools (Level 2) : v9r8p2

Science Ops (task defs, scripts):

Level 1 pipeline code and applications running in L1:

svac/L1Pipeline: v1r72*

calibTkrUtil v2r7p3
calibGenTKR v4r5

dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg: v5r12p2
dataMonitoring/FastMonCfg: v1r6p1

dataMonitoring/DigiReconCalMeritCfg: v1r3p5*

dataMonitoring/Common: v5r7p0
dataMonitoring/FastMon: v4r5p1
datMonitoring/IGRF: v1r0p1

svac/Monitor: v1r2p37*
svac/EngineeringModelRoot: v4r4*
svac/TestReport: v9r1*

users/richard/pipelineDatasets: v0r6

ft2Util: v1r2p23

evtClassDefs v0r6

GPLtools: fileOps1

Reason for change

The new version (v5r10p0, as opposed to v5r9p4, previously running in L1Proc 1.70)
is meant take into account a new noisy strip in Tower 4 GTFE 0 Plane 13, and
to update the alarms on cal pedestal RMS according to GDQMQ-306@JIRA
The detailed description of the changes is in the last section.

Test Procedure

We have processed monitoring products from real on-orbit data (LPA) locally with this version of AlarmsCfg.

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.

CCB Jira



  • dataMonitoring/AlarmCfg release notes for v5r10p0
  • Add an exception for noisy strip in Tower 4 Plane 13 GTFE 0
    TkrHitsCounter_PlaneGTFE_TH2_Tower_4 "spikes and holes"
  • Add an exception for Number_layerOcc_TowerPlane tkr_trend
    "Number_layerOcc_TowerPlane" (4, 13)
  • Update Alarms on Cal pedestal RMS for LEX8 and LEX1
  • CalXAdcPedRMS_LEX1_TH1 : warning for (2*0.6)ADC and error for (3*0.6)ADC
  • CalXAdcPedRMS_LEX8_TH1 : warning for (2*5)ADC and error for (3*5)ADC
  • Remove (commented) exceptions on channels 1160, 1185, 1983
  • See JIRA - GDQMQ-306@JIRA