Firmware version information can be printed out using the sysinfo command:

Log into RCE

Execute  sysinfo

Firmware info:
bitfile version: 0xdc000004
ARM module version: 0x12
Dpm10GAxi: Vivado v2015.3 (x86_64) Built Fri Jan 8 16:46:28 PST 2016 by rherbst
refclk0 freq sel: 0x2
refclk1 freq sel: 0x2

Firmware information for the user fpga.bit is printed to the serial console at boot time.

Connect to the RCE serial console

Reboot and wait for firmware load printout

reading fpga.bit
13321509 bytes read in 2244 ms (5.7 MiB/s)
design filename = "Dpm10GAxi;UserID=0XFFFFFFFF;Version=2015.3"
part number = "7z045ffg900"
date = "2016/01/08"
time = "17:22:53"
bytes in bitstream = 13321404
zynq_load: Align buffer at 1000069 to 1000068(swap 1)
13321509 bitstream bytes loaded in 1685 ms (7.5 MiB/s)
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