Upgrade to ROOT production version 5.20.00.  This is a GLAST/Fermi-specific release in that we replaced the default version of xrootd included in the build, to use xrootd-20081117-0851.src.tgz  Also applied a patch by hand for gcc 3.2.3, according to the ROOT Forum discussion:  http://root.cern.ch/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=7294&highlight=utils

./configure linux --fail-on-missing --enable-mysql --enable-xrootd --with-python-incdir=/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/rh9_gcc32opt/python/2.5.1-gl1/gcc32/include/python2.5 --with-python-libdir=/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/rh9_gcc32opt/python/2.5.1-gl1/gcc32/lib/python2.5/config --enable-reflex --enable-cintex --enable-roofit --with-oracle-incdir=/usr/oracle/rdbms/public --with-oracle-libdir=/usr/oracle/lib --enable-minuit2 --enable-unuran --enable-table --enable-explicitlink > & config.log &

RHEL5 Configuration

./configure --fail-on-missing --enable-xrootd --enable-python --with-python-incdir=/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat5-i686-32bit/python/2.5.1-gl1/gcc41/include/python2.5 --with-python-libdir=/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat5-i686-32bit/python/2.5.1-gl1/gcc41/lib/python2.5/config --enable-reflex --enable-cintex --enable-roofit --with-oracle-incdir=/usr/oracle/rdbms/public --with-oracle-libdir=/usr/oracle/lib --enable-minuit2 --enable-unuran --enable-table --enable-explicitlink > & config.log &

Interesting changes in this version:

In cint, there is now stricter adherence to the use of proper names for arguments defined as enums:http://root.cern.ch/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=6113&highlight=enum

On Linux, MacOS X and Windows, there is no need anymore to define the environment variable ROOTSYS. Internally ROOTSYS is set depending on the location of the ROOT libraries.

Port to gcc 4.3.1.

Full release notes are here:  http://root.cern.ch/root/v520/Version520.news.html

Meaning of icons:

(smile) - For regular GLAST CMT packages, indicates that the package compiles with the new ROOT, and that any test programs execute properly; the meaning of other check marks depends on what the component is.

? - Not tested

(sad) - Doesn't work

GLAST Component 




ROOT Classes

calibRootData (v1r7p8)



commonRootData (v2r15p5)



digiRootData (v11r12)



mcRootData (v2r22)



reconRootData (v9r20)



gcrSelectRootData (v2r2p2)



rootUtil (v1r4)



General I/O

Can read in ntuples from DC2


Can read in ntuples from DC1


Can read in full ROOT tree files generated with 5.18.00 using 5.20.00?

How is hadd?


ROOT I/O Packages

RootConvert (v1r42)



Compiled and ran test program

RootIo (v22r0)



Required a tweak to the GleamManager due to modifications to the TMessageHandler

ntupleWriterSvc (v4r2)



Compiled and ran test program


GlastRelease (v15r51p1)



Ran test_Gleam with all output turned on.


PyRoot - does it work?


ran python %ROOTSYS%\tutorials\pyroot\demo.py

RootAnalysis ()

Are there any problems with the standard analysis and plotting tools ?


Compiled and ran tutorials/stress.exe   On windows to build and run successfully via nmake required modifying Makefile.win32 to build optimized using /MD rather than /MDd

This page will change as fixes are made to some problems, and more tests are done.
We will provide builds with VS2003 and VS2005

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