- Automation, NSLS II
- Remote access to computers, APS
- User education and training, SSRL
- Real-time communication, LCLS
- Remote Analysis, ALS
- Robotic sample changing, hosted by SSRL
- Cobot-enabled mail-in and high-throughput SAXS, with Byeongdu Lee, hosted by APS,
- How light sources are using slack for communication SSRL, NSLS II, APS,
- Remote access for protein crystallography, hosted by SSRL,
- Telepresence - Another pass at AR and the Double, hosted by LCLS
- Blue Sky for remote access, hosted by NSLS II,
Ex situ and in situ multi-modal experiments during remote operation at
the APS- Remote experiments at ORNL, hosted by ORNL
- Remote control for X-ray spectroscopy beamlines with WebXAS, hosted by SSRL
- Software for controlling robots: Experiences with RoboDK, hosted by SSRL
- High performance computing for remote experiments, hostesd by APS
- The LCLS eLog, hosted by LCLS