
  • pyimgalgos: (PSAS-178)
    • add TDMatchRecord, update FiberIndexing, PeakStore, TDFileContainer, TDGroup, move TDIndexRecord to TDNodeRecord, TDPeak+PeakData to TDPeakRecord.
    • in change interface to BinPars, update, TDMatchRecord.
  • Detector:
    • add methods that returns True/False if a psana.Source is a waveform, Evr, or Area detector.
    • PyDetector - restore and update documentation for sphinx, restore optional test, which were deleted / broken in rev.10938
    • Update documentation for AreaDetector and WFDetector.
  • psocake: new package for browsing area detector images, hit parameter tuning, common mode correction tuning. 

External Packages

  • numpy, scipy: change proxy-package SConscript so that egg-info files are soft linked (useful for virtualenv installations for automatic dependency detection)
  • xtcav: Fix to fix crash for cxii0314 run 101.

Bugs fixed

Known Issues

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