discussion 06/06/22 with Anton Tremsin, Jyoti, Dan D., Georgi, cpo, Silke

discuss requirements for upcoming "standalone" beam time in July

  • can use external trigger or free-running: we will use EVR-generated 120Hz trigger (same EVR that andor uses) which is about 1ms before photon in chamber
  • main physics question to answer: can we separate one photon from two
  • will run at 120Hz
  • to synchronize with DAQ data can send extra ttl reset on a "slow" DAQ sequence to reset FPGA counter: this is more complex so don't do this in July
  • BNC or SMA with 50ohms
  • timing-in detector is easy: can use long exposure times (doesn't affect signal-to-noise very much) and measure the time of the signal
  • jyoti will set up remote desktop to access anton's windows machine in the hutch via ICS

future integration of detector in DAQ:

  • timepix3 is event-driver (current one is timepix1)
  • we will integrate timepix3 (not yet ready)
  • fpga sends jumbo udp packets on fiber. each pixel (I think) is 6 bytes.
  • anton suggests using their fpga timestamp, but cpo feels this will be messy for daq integration
  • discuss concrete plan in more detail when the time comes
  • integration of this 1MHz device will be significant work (likely involving firmware changes for timestamping)
  • need to include Matt Weaver in integration discussion
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