• two types of prescale data: fex prescale (e.g. hsd fpga, or a photon-finding software algorithm), teb prescale (event recording veto) 
    • teb could avoid vetoing events with hsd raw waveforms
    • two detectors may have different rates of raw data, so can't easily get whole events of raw data (unless we can coordinate different detectors somehow)
      • could the trigger "coordinate" production of raw data across detectors
  • could we create a one-stop-shop for storage of both of the above types of prescale information for quick access via small data?
    • need quick FFB access to all prescale data (fex prescale, and teb prescale, as described above)
    • perhaps this information could be recorded by the timing system data stream, since it includes multiple detectors
      • could also make it a completely separate stream, but written by the timing system? 
      • would record all detector/teb prescale decisions ("one bit" per detector/teb decision)
      • possible downside: MHz timing system data can be "big"
      • could use Mona's use-big-data-as-smd mechanism to bring in this timing-system "prescale" information as small data for filtering
  • need to have an MEB decision to vector prescale data to AMI in time for MHz running (August 2022?)
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